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A320 captain and co-pilot slept for 28 minutes during flight: report

A320 captain and co-pilot slept for 28 minutes during flight: report

Shaider Mohieldin/AFP via Getty Images

  • The pilot and co-pilot on a domestic flight in Indonesia slept for 28 minutes.
  • One pilot said he suffered from lack of sleep the day before the flight, a report said.
  • The Plane, It carries 153 people The plane landed safely in the Indonesian capital, Jakarta.

The captain and co-pilot on a domestic flight in Indonesia carrying 153 people slept for about 30 minutes. This was stated in a report published by the Indonesian National Transport Safety Committee (KNKT)..

The accident occurred last January, during a return trip from Kendari, in the Indonesian province of Southeast Sulawesi, to the country's capital, Jakarta.

Batik Air Captain Airbus The 32-year-old A320 aircraft took a nap after obtaining permission from the co-pilot while the plane was at an altitude of 36,000 feet.

After about 45 minutes, the captain woke up and offered to let the 28-year-old co-pilot rest, but they refused, and the captain went back to sleep.

The first officer spent nearly the next 20 minutes communicating with air traffic controllers and flight attendants before they also “unintentionally” fell asleep, according to the report.

Twenty-eight minutes after the co-pilot's last recorded transmission, the captain awoke and saw that his second-in-command was asleep and that they had veered off course.

After waking them up, the captain answered a call from another pilot and air traffic controllers, claiming they had experienced a “radio communication problem.”

The plane later landed in Jakarta without any further problems.

Many long-haul flights have relief pilots to ensure that each pilot gets adequate rest as he takes over control duties.

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On short-haul flights such as the Batik Air flight, which takes approximately 2 hours and 40 minutes, Controlled rest periods More common: One pilot can doze off briefly while the other continues to monitor the controls.

They are designed to help manage fatigue and improve safety.

According to a KNKT report, the second-in-command did not get enough rest the night before the flight.

Investigators did not reveal the identity of the pilots, but said they were both Indonesian citizens.

The report acknowledged “the safety measures taken by the aircraft operator and considered that the safety measures were relevant to improving safety,” but made some safety recommendations on adding guidance on examining the physical and mental conditions of pilots and conducting cockpit checks.

Batik Air said in a statement that it “operates with an adequate rest policy” and is “committed to implementing all safety recommendations.” Mail Online mentioned.

Business Insider has reached out to Batik Air for comment.