October 3, 2024

Brighton Journal

Complete News World

A study found that Meta smart glasses can be used to fool anyone in seconds

A study found that Meta smart glasses can be used to fool anyone in seconds

To prevent anyone from being trolled, the co-creators have not released the code, Nguyen He said on the social networking site X. However, they explained how their disturbing technology works and how shocking it was that they used random strangers as test subjects to discover how easily they could be identified once they had access to smart glasses information posted publicly online.

The 404 Media website noted that Nguyen and Ardivaio tested their technology in a subway station “on unsuspecting people in the real world.” To illustrate how technology can be misused to deceive people, the students claimed to know some of the test subjects, and appeared to use information from the glasses to create resonant references and fake an acquaintance.

The students claimed that dozens of test subjects were identified, although some results were disputed, 404 Media reported. To keep the face scan under the radar, students covered the light that automatically turns on when recording Meta Ray Bans 2, Ardayfio He said On X.

Students are cautioned not to opt out of PimEyes now

For Nguyen and Ardaívio, the goal of the project was to convince people to opt out of invasive search engines to protect their online privacy. For example, an attempt to use I-XRAY to identify 404 media reporter Joseph Cox was unsuccessful, because he opted out of PimEyes.

But while privacy is clearly important to students, and their test video sought to remove identifying information, at least one test subject was “easily” identified anyway, 404 Media reported. 404 Media reported that this test subject could not be reached for comment.

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So far, neither Facebook nor Google has chosen to launch similar technologies it developed to link smart glasses to facial search engines, New York Times reported I mentioned.