September 22, 2024

Brighton Journal

Complete News World

Antonio “Tito” Fraile died – Lu24

Antonio “Tito” Fraile died – Lu24

At the age of 91, the legendary glassmaker Antonio “Tito” Fraile died this Sunday, having started working in the city center at the age of 13 and spent many years “wearing” the windows of Tres Arroens businesses.

In a detailed memoir of his life, on the occasion of being honored by the Commercial Employees Union for opening its cultural space, Fraile detailed his travels with the oil tanker Punta Medanos while in military service. It allowed to visit America, England, Canary Islands, Azores, Holland and France. “I was in the Louvre Museum and could see the Mona Lisa, Michelangelo’s Pieta, the Venus del Milo, all the wonders,” he recalled on the occasion.

His career was as a glass artist for Kath & Saves, Blanco y Negro, Arteta and Pantaloneria Suria, and “thanks to the more than 20 houses I worked on, I was able to create my own house. My father-in-law and a boy,” he had commented.

His remains lie at Avenida San Martín 1450 – Dept. C from 2:00 p.m. and will be buried at the Municipal Cemetery this Sunday at 5:00 p.m.

Our condolences to his family from LU 24.

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