October 18, 2024

Brighton Journal

Complete News World

Gerardo Morales responded to Mauricio Macri: “He’s not my boss, he justifies neoliberalism when we’ve been elsewhere.”

Gerardo Morales responded to Mauricio Macri: “He’s not my boss, he justifies neoliberalism when we’ve been elsewhere.”

Governor of Jujuy, Gerard Morales, The former president responded Mauricio Macri, Who questioned the provincial president for insisting on Vin’s federation Together for change. “Mauricio is the leader of Pro, but not the leader of extremism, he is not my boss” Morales insisted UCR- He cannot “leave out” certain revelations to the former head of state, i.e. his justification New liberalism.

In an interview with TN, Magri stressed that he had “helped Juju a lot” and expressed his gratitude to the former president, saying “Juju people should be grateful”, but – anyway – he agreed. Differences.

In this regard, he referred to the statements of Mauricio Macri, while speaking about the Governor of Jujuy: “All priests have the right to be pope, but he must find a way to do so without putting too much pressure on the unity of the coalition.”

In this regard, Morales ruled: “I raise things that I see wrong, and it’s not like Pro.” In that sense, he strongly advocated: “El Pro is leading the coalition for change, and it will not happen anymore.” And he concluded: “Mauricio is the leader of Pro, but not the leader of extremism, he is not my boss.”

In addition, he doubled the race and maintained it “What are the attitudes or expressions of an important commentator like him?” The current president, though he’s not my boss, is one of the most important converts for change. “

“Mauricio is making a historic correction, proving Menem and the neoliberalism of the 90s, but we were in different places, he was in a different place,” said the Jujuy leader. He added: “It was one of those moody times where he would break into endless soliloquy with himself We were an amazing team, the best of all time, look at how we did it. We did good, but we did bad, which is why people voted against it. That’s not what people did wrong. “

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At this point, he said, “terrorism is a part of the vote” and everyone who is a part of that place has an “industry that strengthens it”. However, he clarified: “We have to do things right. In 2023 we will not come crowded or without a plan If we want to reach the government, but If Mauricio justifies neoliberalism, it is my duty to tell him what we think. Looking back to the 1990s, we were in different places. His attitude is to look forward to avoiding tensions. “

“Alphonse’s comments and policies are invalid, something we do not share. It has allowed us to restore peace, justice, truth and democracy. Then, Some expressions of a leader as important as Mauricio should go the other way; And as the leader of the party I cannot allow them to pass. If you make them public, you should get a public response, ”he concluded.