March 17, 2025

Brighton Journal

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Historic day in Britain: Coronation of King Charles III ushers in a new era

Historic day in Britain: Coronation of King Charles III ushers in a new era

LONDON.- Hundreds of millions watched on television and two million on the streets of London at Saturday’s lavish ceremony in Westminster. Charles III of England this Saturday became the fortieth sovereign to be crowned at the abbey since 1066.

When did this sacred two-hour act become a reality after waiting patiently for 74 years? Justin WelbyThe Archbishop of Canterbury and Governor of the Church of England, placing the crown of St. Edward on his head, called the supreme that the king should have his reign. “A Blessing” to People of “All Faith and Hope”

King Carlos III with all his attributes, in the presence of the Archbishop of CanterburyVictoria Jones – Poole

When his own mother ascended the throne in 1953 and he became the heir, that historic moment was the culmination of this man’s life, charged with symbolism and witnessed across the planet, when his fate was sealed 70 years ago. England’s throne.

The day started too early, when Guests of minor formal importance began arriving at the Abbey at 7:45. By then, an incessant rain began to fall on a city that resembled two completely different cities, getting worse as the hours went by. An absolutely jubilant crowd, invaded by a perfect crowd, dressed in royal colors and in the most ridiculous costumes, waving British flags, assembled on the royal road. others, Much of London was deserted, the streets soulless, abandoned by its people, who at that point settled into their TV screens or pubs to follow the festivities.

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At 10:20, not a minute to spare, the King and his wife Camilla left Buckingham Palace. They were escorted by 7,000 policemen, soldiers and security forces.

Carlos and Camila in the golden carriageMarco Bertorello – AFP

At 11 a.m. (local time), Carlos III and Camilla entered the abbey, where 2,300 dignitaries, foreign dignitaries and members of the diplomatic corps, some members of the royal family, politicians and numerous representatives of the public awaited. Charities sponsored by the royal couple.

Archbishop Welby immediately began the first phase of this profoundly religious ceremony, following the same ritual for centuries. Known as “Authorization”, who, according to tradition, confers the new sovereignty on the church, “the people.” Charles then returned to the four sides of the abbey to make the proclamation “The Undisputed King”Invited to express their respect and willingness to serve before the visit.

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Greetings from the balcony of Buckingham Palace

always presided over by the archbishop, The new king then swore on the Bible. Carlos did one A second oath to testify to his status as a “sincere Protestant”..

But it is the third phase of that magnificent ceremony that will undoubtedly remain in the memory of billions of people. anointing A moment of deep remembrance and emotion not only for the King but also for the less faithful. After removing the state cap, Carlos III dressed up A simple white linen shirtThe symbol of humility has been used at every coronation since the 14th century, before St Edward’s enthronement.

The anointing ceremony with holy oils took place behind some curtains, hiding it from public view, with Carlos wearing only a linen shirt.Yui Mok – Pool BA

“It’s really the highlight of the festival,” explains special correspondent Marion Prudhomme. A single king, hidden from public view by three cushioned panels of beautifully embroidered cloth in homage to the Commonwealth. He was anointed thrice with the “crowned spoon”.

The Supreme Leader of the Anglican Church then anointed the King’s hands, chest and head with holy oil, this time prepared. Olives from trees on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem and blessed in a special ceremony at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.

Upon his anointing, Charles II left the throne, at the base of which is the legendary “Stone of Destiny” used in ancient times to crown the kings of Scotland. A garment embroidered with gold threads, the same one previously worn by two of his predecessors. They were provided at that time Characteristics of crownas The Imperial Coat of Arms, the Golden Orb and Sovereign’s Ring, signifies the King’s marriage to his nation.

The Archbishop of Canterbury places the crown on CharlesVictoria Jones – Poole PA

Carlos immediately usurped the throne of San Eduardo and donned the coronation glove. He received in the right hand Scepter with cross, scepter with dove to left. Hit the head at exactly 1:00 p.m St. Edward’s Crown, used only once in a king’s lifetime. Westminster bells began tolling, and immediately, in a ceremony known as Ring for the King, another 38,000 tolls were made across the country. Trumpets and cannon shots were heard to celebrate the actual entry of the new king.

There was a fifth and final stage the throne. Carlos then left the throne of San Eduardo and was moved to the see, Honor of Guillermo, his eldest son and heir to the kingdom. As Guillermo knelt before him to swear allegiance to him, an unintelligible voice was heard: “Thank you William!”, pronounced by the king. According to tradition, members of the royal family and peers of the nobility must pay the same respect to the king. This time, Carlos III decided to ignore that aspect of the ceremony. He refused to replace it with the national honor of all his subjects. According to his friend and biographer Christophe Emon, the new king invited the idea “Disgusting”.

Upon his canonization, Welby replaced the heavy crown of St. Edward on Charles III’s head with the crown of the imperial state. 2868 diamonds and 17 sapphires.

The Archbishop of Canterbury crowns CamillaYUI MOK – Pond

was much less ostentatious and symbolic His wife Camilla’s coronation, dressed in an elegant long white robe received a scepter and crown. Like her husband, Camilla’s hands also received holy oil, though anointed for the public eye. Her crown belonged to Queen Mary, created in 1911, with some diamonds added from the private collection of her mother-in-law, Elizabeth II.

Carlos and Camilla returned to Buckingham Palace in the same Gold State Coach, a 260-year-old, royal coronation-only coach with the famous gilt leaf. “Absolutely terrible” for its passengers’ kidneys. The 2.3 kilometer procession was coordinated by other floats carrying other members of the royal family. Along with Prince William, his wife Kate became the star of the day, wearing a spectacular dress in the colors of Great Britain (blue, red and white). They had three children with them. George, Charlotte and Louis. The eternal mischief of the family, which usually delights the international press at every opportunity, the youngest son of the Prince of Wales apparently decided to yawn during the coronation, much to the dismay of his sister Charlotte, who always tries without great success to control him.

A crowd greeted the King from the balcony of Buckingham PalaceBruce Adams – Poole

After receiving the three traditional “cheers” from all the British military forces in Buckingham Gardens, the new monarch and his wife, along with members of the family, They came out on the balcony at exactly 2:30 PM to greet the thousands of people who had waited patiently for hours, even days, to attend the ceremony. This appearance on the balcony was a tradition started by Edward VII in 1902 and strictly respected by all subsequent monarchs.

Despite the rain, the Red Arrows of British air patrols complied with the schedule: nine of them flew over the palace in the presence of Carlos III and his family, as well as an estimated large crowd. 2 million peopleThey thronged around the palace despite the continuous rain at that time.

Every family, especially the British royal family, was marked by all kinds of disagreements and quarrels. All is not well during the day. Although Guillermo, Kate, and their three children played the first roles in the celebration, it did not happen Harry, the Duke of Sussex and the monarch’s youngest son, who broke with the monarchy in 2020 and settled in California with his wife Meghan and their two children. Harry was at the Abbey after months of negotiations. But, he was relegated to the second position in the third row. He then promptly left for the airport with the official excuse of arriving in time for his daughter Lilibet’s birthday.

Harry and Andreas, side by side, during the coronationToby Melville – Pool Reuters

Another family member whose approval was evident at the ceremony was the prince Andrew. Hidden among the guests, the king’s younger brother was not authorized to represent his family in the United States after a sexual assault complaint.

Various members of the royal family played an important role in the ceremony. Carlos III chose four pages among his cousins, among them his grandson George, second in line of succession. As a result of her first marriage to Andrew Parker-Bowles, Queen Camilla included her family. Three of her grandchildren, Gus, Louis and Freddie, were part of the pages that accompanied her.

Rain finally ruined the 3,100 balls and popular festivities planned in London to celebrate the new king’s coronation.. But it was only a postponement. Celebrations will continue across the kingdom this Sunday, including special meals, the recipes of which have been released by the Royal House’s communications services.

As for Carlos III, many must have had magical powers to guess what was going on this Saturday in the head and heart of the brand new king, who was not smiling, waiting a lifetime to pursue the goals he had always dreamed of. . It won’t be easy for you. Not only because he does so under the shadow of his mother, Elizabeth II, but because he continues to be an irreplaceable role model for his subjects. But even at the age of 74, with a penchant for modernity, Carlos III is certainly representative of an ancient generation and a fading world.

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