July 5, 2024

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No, The Metroid Prime 4: Beyond Trailer was not running on Switch 2.

No, The Metroid Prime 4: Beyond Trailer was not running on Switch 2.
Image: Nintendo

Over the past few years, as more and more time passed without a whisper from Nintendo or Retro Studios regarding Metroid Prime 4: Beyond, many fans began asking the same question: Will the Switch be skipped and played as “Switch 2”? ?

After all, the game’s eventual revival came during the most recent Nintendo Direct after The company has finally acknowledged the Switch’s successor, confirming that it will be revealed during the next financial year. Many have come to the conclusion that if Prime 4 isn’t showcased, it probably won’t be heading to the Switch.

Unfortunately, it was there, and it looked beautiful. But did it seem also Good to switch? That’s what some people think, however IGN I got a very positive comment from Richard Leadbetter of Digital Foundry that Metroid Prime 4: Beyond is, at least based on the evidence available so far, a Switch game:

“It looks great and there are some cool effects that we got a closer look at, but ultimately, all evidence points to this game running on the original Switch. The internal display resolution is 900p, which is the same resolution as Metroid Prime Remastered.

“As good as it is, there are some aliasing issues and even some very minor drops in frame rate. Everything about the visual makeup is consistent with a really well-made Switch game, where Retro has an excellent track record. “I can imagine the development studio is really happy “Because people are calling the Switch 2, please take note.”

So this is it. While there was no doubt in our minds that the game worked on Switch (or at least on comparable PC hardware), we thought we’d put everyone’s minds at ease once and for all.

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Now, we wouldn’t completely rule out the possibility that Metroid Prime 4: Beyond might end up being cross-generational, similar to Zelda: Twilight Princess and Breath of the Wild; The timing was likely very close, after all. But we think it’s clear by now that this is entirely a Switch game.