Everything you need to know about this weekend’s huge Hoenn area event
pokemon go Tour: Hoenn It is a huge global event that lasts for two days 25 and 26 February from 10 am to 6 pm your local time. The event features tons of Pokémon in the Hoenn region, including region exclusives and the appearance of Primal Reversion for Kyogre and Groudon.
During the event, there are rotating habitats that change eggs, special Pokemon in raids like Deoxys, and other perks to enjoy. We list them below.
Are there any differences or changes in Pokémon Go Tour Hoenn Day 2?
According to players in the regions where the event is already being broadcasted, There are no changes or additions On to Day Two’s Go Tour Hoenn event.
This is different from most weekend events where Sunday will offer new tasks or a surprise or two. Instead, take the opportunity to continue completing existing quests, take part in elemental raids or find and hunt the elusive Latios or Latias in the wild.
This also means that the habitat schedule – listed later on this page – will be the same, allowing you to complete any pending collecting challenges.
Pokémon Go Tour: Hoenn Events Tickets Explained
this year, The event is mostly free. Players can pay $4.99 for optional Masterwork Research missions that reward Shiny Jirachi, but that’s the only part of this event that’s surrounded by money.
The “Chasing Legends” special quest is free for all players who unlock the game over the weekend, as well as the Latios or Latias Photo Safari quest.
In addition to this, Make sure you choose Sapphire or Sapphire in “Primitive Complaint” Private Researchas this will tweak certain elements of the event, including participation in the ongoing “Primal Surge” competition for who can complete the most Field Research each hour (boost wild Pokémon and primitive raids for any team) as well as whether you’ll see wild encounters of Latias and Latios.
picture; Niantic
Pokémon Go Tour: Hoenn event rewards
As a free event, rewards are few and far between. In addition to the above tasks that are available to all players, other Go Tour Hoenn event rewards include:
- Candy XL is guaranteed extra from personal primeval raids
- Incense may attract Pikachu, Brendan hat / may bow costume
- Chance of 5 Latios or Latias Mega Energy when rotating PokéStops
To confirm – there are no changes to hatchling distances for the duration of the event.
The remainder of this page explains other changes in spawning habitats, hatchlings, raids, spawnings, and field research.
Pokemon Go Tour: Table of Hoenn’s rotating habitats and spawn
Each habitat will rotate after an hour, with each getting two slots per day. You can check to see which hosts are active in the Today View section of the menu.
Go round the Hoenn Rotating Table Habitat
Habitats will rotate at the following times, on Saturday and Sunday:
- Sand sores: 10-11 a.m., 2-3 p.m. local time
- Strange fog: 11 a.m. to 12 noon, 3-4 p.m. local time
- green land: 12-1pm, 4-5pm local time
- old beaches: 1-2pm, 5-6pm local time
The specific ovulations in each habitat are as follows:
Photo: Niantic
Sand blistering
- Torchik
- Bushina
- stake
- ninkada
- Makohita
- NosePass
- Aaron
- Cacnia
- nomel
- Baltui
- Bagon
Strange mist spawn
- Ralts
- Soursket
- whismur
- Meditate
- spoink
- Zangos
- Safeber
- Chimshu
- absolute
- snornet
- luvdisc
- Beldom
Green Earth spawn
- Treecko
- zigzagon
- rumble
- Sedot
- shroomsh
- Slackoth
- sketti
- Mawil
- Electric
- Roselia
- Gulpin
- Swablo
Old beaches spawn
- modcap
- Taillow
- Wingle
- her caravan
- Barbuch
- Corvish
- Lilip
- Anureth
- fibas
- svil
- Clamperle
Incense spawns in Go Tour: Hoenn
The following Pokemon’s spawn rates will increase when using incense:
- Pikachu (Brendan’s hat)
- pikachu (mai bow)
- Not available E, H, N, O
Shiny new Pokemon in the Go Tour: Hoenn
- Not available H
- Soursket
- Gulpin
- Torquall
- Cacnia
- kisslion
- tropos
- relicanthe
Graphic: Julia Lee / Polygon | Image source: Niantic
Graphic: Julia Lee / Polygon | Image source: Niantic
Graphic: Julia Lee / Polygon | Image source: Niantic
Graphic: Julia Lee / Polygon | Image source: Niantic
Graphic: Julia Lee / Polygon | Image source: Niantic
Pokémon Go Tour: Hoenn Collection Challenges
Group Challenges can be found in the Today View section. You get some rewards for catching Pokemon from the various habitats mentioned above.
Global Combine Challenge: Sand Blisters
- Torchik
- Cacnia
- nomel
- ninkada
rewards: 1 Incense, 5 Great Balls, Meet Pikachu (May Arc)
Global Group Challenge: Green Earth
- Treecko
- Gulpin
- Slackoth
- Swablo
rewards: 1 Incense, 5 Great Balls, Meet Pikachu (May Arc)
Global Assembly Challenge: Strange Fog
- Soursket
- Chimshu
- Ralts
- absolute
rewards: 1 Incense, 5 Great Balls, Meet Pikachu (Brendan’s Hat)
Global Assembly Challenge: Ancient Shores
- modcap
- fibas
- Anureth
- Clamperle
rewards: 1 Incense, 5 Great Balls, Meet Pikachu (Brendan’s Hat)
Pokémon Go Tour: Hoenn Field Research, Timed Research, and Special Research
There are a number of special research missions going live during the event:
As mentioned earlier, also be sure to pick up rubies or rubies in the “Primal Rumblings” special research to ensure you unlock Latios or Latias Timed Research and get the most out of the event.
In addition, there is also field research to unlock, including the mysterious Spooky Cipher missions. The full list is as follows:
Pokémon Go Tour: Hoenn Event Field Research and Rewards
a task | prize |
a task | prize |
Ninkada evolves | Meet Shedinga |
Make 3 great throws in a row | Meet Sableye |
Move 5 Pokemon | Shuppet meet |
Use 5 beads to help catch the Pokemon | Dusk encounter |
Catch 5 Grass-type Pokemon | 10 Sceptile Mega Energy |
Trigger 10 grass-type Pokemon | 10 Sceptile Mega Energy |
Catch 5 Pokemon of the Fire type | 10 Blazyken Mega Energy |
Trigger 10 Fire-type Pokemon | 10 Blazyken Mega Energy |
Catch 5 Water-type Pokemon | 10 Swampert Mega Energy |
Power up 10 Water-type Pokemon | 10 Swampert Mega Energy |
Primal Rush: Capture 10 Pokemon | 20 poké balls, 10 ultra balls, 10 berries, 10 pinap berries or 1000 stardust. |
Primordial Mutation: An egg hatches | Meet Surskit, Gulpin, or Cacnea |
Primal Strength Increase: Trigger a Ground-type Pokemon 5 times | Meet Treecko, Torchic or Mudkip |
Initial Power Up: Trigger a Water-type Pokemon 5 times | Meet Treecko, Torchic or Mudkip |
Initial buff: Win a raid | Meet Pikachu (Brendan’s hat or Mai’s bow) |
Primal Surge: Earn candy walking with your friend | 20 Poké Balls, 10 Ultra Balls, 10 Razz Beads, 10 Pinap Berries or 1000 Stardust |
Pokemon Go Tour: Hun Eggs
- Most of the things in these eggs are pretty standard, but there are particularly regional Pokémon available – Torkoal, Tropius, and Relicanth – in 10km eggs.
2 kilos of eggs
- Picchu
- Eaglepav
- Treecko
- Torchik
- modcap
- Azurel
- winot
5 kilos of eggs
7 kilos of eggs
- Turbine
- fibas
- Bagon
- Beldom
10 kilos of eggs
- Torquall
- tropos
- relicanthe
Pokemon Go Tour: Hoenn Raid Targets
Primal Kyogre and Groudon are similar to Mega Pokémon. They are the only Pokemon with primitive forms, but they become more powerful when in this temporary form.
1 star raids
5 star raids
Primitive raids
- Primal Kyogre
- primitive groudon
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