October 25, 2024

Brighton Journal

Complete News World

Prayer of the day to ask for who is remembered and strength

Prayer of the day to ask for who is remembered and strength

Saint October 24.jpg

He sacred Claret always had a special devotion to the Virgin Mary, which is why she added “Mary” to her name, which she believed to be her whole life. Despite working in the textile industry, his religious vocation prevailed, and at the age of 22 he entered the Vichy Seminary. In 1835, he was ordained a priest and accepted the parish of Salant.

In 1849, he was appointed Archbishop of Santiago de Cuba, where he devoted himself to evangelizing and improving the conditions of the diocese. Later, in 1857, he was invited by Queen Elizabeth II as her personal confessor, a position of great importance. He sacred Antonio Maria Claret died on October 24, 1870 at the Abbey of Fondfreude in Narbonne, France.

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He Saints of Catholic ChurchThis includes claret and is made of them Saints And blessed ones recognized for their work in the name of Christian faith and religion. These are Saints They are remembered for their dedication to carrying out the work and carrying the word of God to various communities.


Prayer to Antonio Maria Claret

O God, who gave your pastor St. Anthony Mary Claret the admirable charity and courage to proclaim the gospel to the people, grant us all the graces we need through his intercession (mention your request here), always seek your will in all things. Let us labor liberally to win new brethren for Christ. Through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Other saints are celebrated on October 24

  • Saint Joseph Balto
  • Saint Martin of Verdot
  • Saint Proclus of Constantinople
  • Saint Aretas
  • Saint Everkislo of Dongres
  • Saint Freunde of Coutons
  • Saint Joseph Lay Tang The
  • San Maglorio de Tole
  • San Cenoco de Tours
  • Blessed Joseph Balto
  • Blessed Luis Guanella