In something of a surprise, the Apple Vision Pro failed to sell out on launch day despite its limited availability. The device comes in three capacities, starting at $3,500 for the basic 256 GB model, rising to $3,699 for the 512 GB model, and the price of the 1 TB model reaches $3,899. While the release of the 256GB version of the Vision Pro was quickly pushed back to March and then later on launch day, initial supplies of the 512GB and 1TB models did not sell out.
YouTuber Aaron Zollo (@zollotech) chirp The day after launch, both higher-capacity Vision Pro units were still available for in-store pickup. However, at the time of writing, this is no longer the case with in-store pickup no longer available, with all models now showing shipping times reduced to 5-6 weeks. Even with the Vision Pro only available in the US, Apple has built a hype machine around the device, heralding it as ushering in the “age of spatial computing.”
According to highly regarded Apple supply chain analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, Apple may have done so There were only between 60,000 and 80,000 Vision Pro units available for launch day. Even for a device that starts at $3,500 and goes up to $3,899, critics expected the device to sell out quickly. Competing augmented reality and virtual reality headsets have never enjoyed widespread popularity, and it appears that Apple may also struggle to gain traction despite its brand and marketing power.
The latest round of media reviews ahead of the launch cited concerns about the weight of the Vision Pro, which was revealed to weigh as much as the 12.9-inch iPad Pro. Other apps and experiences at launch also seem disappointing as Apple itself has only developed 15 spatial apps for the device. Third-party interest is also low, with Netflix, YouTube, Spotify and others revealing they have no plans to create spatial versions of their apps for the device.
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I've been writing about consumer technology for the past 10 years, previously with the former MacNN and Electronista, and now Notebookcheck since 2017. My first computer was an Apple[c]and that sparked a passion for Apple, but also for technology in general. In the last decade, I've become increasingly platform agnostic and like to get my hands on it and explore as much technology as I can get my hands on, whether it's Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Linux, or Nintendo, Or Xbox, or PlayStation, they each have a lot to offer and have given me great pleasure exploring them all. I'm drawn to writing about technology because I love learning about the latest hardware and also sharing any ideas I can bring from my experience to the site and reading[candthissparkedapassionforApplebutalsotechnologyingeneralInthepastdecadeI'vebecomeincreasinglyplatformagnosticandlovetogetmyhandsonandexploreasmuchtechnologyasIcangetmyhandonWhetheritisWindowsMaciOSAndroidLinuxNintendoXboxorPlayStationeachhasplentytoofferandhasgivenmegreatjoyexploringthemallIwasdrawntowritingabouttechbecauseIlovelearningaboutthelatestdevicesandalsosharingwhateverinsightsmyexperiencecanbringtothesiteanditsreadership[cوقدأثارهذاشغفًابشركةApple،ولكنأيضًابالتكنولوجيابشكلعامفيالعقدالماضي،أصبحتعلىنحومتزايدملحدًاللمنصةوأحبأنأضعيديعليهاواستكشفأكبرقدرممكنمنالتكنولوجياالتييمكننيالحصولعليهاسواءكاننظامالتشغيلWindows،أوMac،أوiOS،أوAndroid،أوLinux،أوNintendo،أوXbox،أوPlayStation،فإنكلمنهالديهالكثيرليقدمهوقدمنحنيمتعةكبيرةفياستكشافهاجميعًالقدانجذبتإلىالكتابةعنالتكنولوجيالأننيأحبالتعرفعلىأحدثالأجهزةوأيضًامشاركةأيأفكاريمكنأنتجلبهاتجربتيإلىالموقعوقراءه[candthissparkedapassionforApplebutalsotechnologyingeneralInthepastdecadeI’vebecomeincreasinglyplatformagnosticandlovetogetmyhandsonandexploreasmuchtechnologyasIcangetmyhandonWhetheritisWindowsMaciOSAndroidLinuxNintendoXboxorPlayStationeachhasplentytoofferandhasgivenmegreatjoyexploringthemallIwasdrawntowritingabouttechbecauseIlovelearningaboutthelatestdevicesandalsosharingwhateverinsightsmyexperiencecanbringtothesiteanditsreadership
“Certified food guru. Internet maven. Bacon junkie. Tv enthusiast. Avid writer. Gamer. Beeraholic.”
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