September 8, 2024

Brighton Journal

Complete News World

The head of the board of directors of the Russian oil company Lukoil dies after falling from a hospital window – source

The head of the board of directors of the Russian oil company Lukoil dies after falling from a hospital window – source

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  • This content was produced in Russia, where the law restricts coverage of Russian military operations in Ukraine.

MOSCOW (Reuters) – Ravel Maganov, president of Russia’s second-largest oil producer, Lukoil. (LKOH.MM)A source familiar with the situation told Reuters that he died on Thursday after falling from a window in a hospital in Moscow.

Some Russian media also reported the death of Maganov, 67, who was also the vice-president of Lukoil, citing unnamed sources.

There was no immediate comment from Lukoil.

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Maganov has worked for Lukoil since 1993, shortly after the company was created, oversaw its refining, production and exploration, and became chairman of the board in 2020. His brother Neil is the head of the Russian oil-producing company Tatneft. (TATN.MM).

Ravel Maganov was a close partner of one of the founders of Lukoil, Vagit Alekperov.

Alekperov, a former Soviet deputy oil minister, resigned as head of Lukoil in April, a week after Britain imposed an asset freeze and travel ban on him as part of sanctions over Russia’s military operations in Ukraine. Read more

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Reporting by Reuters. Editing by Mark Trevelyan

Our criteria: Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

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