Mercury retrograde in Capricorn will begin on December 13, 2023, and will station direct on January 1, 2024, which makes the beginning of 2024 feel like a good reset because we will be able to accomplish a lot more with Mercury in a cardinal sign. This will be a pivotal transit that generally affects the cardinal and earth signs.
Mercury retrograde in Capricorn will be a period of discipline and control.
The main themes of Mercury’s transit in Capricorn will be related to work or school, learning, and communication. Capricorn is associated with the 10th house of career, so we may focus on what we have accomplished and how to turn our dreams into reality. Other themes of this transit can revolve around career goals, expanding our knowledge of subjects, and analyzing how disciplined we are.
Profession goals
Mercury wants us to slow things down, see if we are on track with our plans, and find ways to increase productivity. The transit is a time to make adjustments and think about how to improve to make these moves when the planet moves direct in January, especially with Saturn currently directing as well.
Learning and expanding knowledge
When a planet is retrograde, it can present us with a great opportunity to review and relearn anything that still raises doubts in us. With this transit focusing on career, we could learn something new about our job or start a new semester to increase our skills. For those in school, a crossover can be a good way to refresh their knowledge about a subject before starting a new semester.
Being honest about how well we manage our to-do lists and recognizing our mistakes may be helpful during this transit. After all, Saturn wants us to get better and take the time to learn.
What not to do during Mercury retrograde in Capricorn
As with most Mercury retrograde transits, starting anything new may not immediately work out for us because we may be prone to mistakes and will have to repeat the process all over again. Don’t start arguments for the sake of arguing during this transit.
Since this is a transit ruled by Saturn, it is also important that we do not allow ourselves to get carried away by ego. Recklessness will work against us during this period, so it is better to be methodical and more tactical. Understanding our limits, staying ahead of deadlines, and following routines will help us move closer to success.
Mercury rules transportation, so we may experience delays, so be sure to prepare early. The transit should help us rise, gain greater control, and achieve mastery by working smartly and not rushing.
What to do during Mercury retrograde in Capricorn
This is an excellent moment to look for proficiency in topics or projects we may have started. We can focus on revisiting projects from the past and looking deeply and analyzing them to slowly move closer to completion. Mercury in Capricorn wants us to learn as much as we can so that we can apply this information when the planet stops direct in January. This is the time to absorb information and analyze the world around us without making any big movements.
Focus on this planet in an Earth sign is key, so do things that are positive and bring you happiness like spending time with people you love and care about to feel connected.
Since this is in Capricorn, a lot of focus will be on work, school, and career-related things. Knowing how to work with others, especially if we are in a leadership position will be important, but understanding and listening to others will help us become better. Since communication will be difficult over the next few weeks, it’s best to listen and ask questions if you don’t understand something.
AT Nunez is an Afro-Latino astrologer and philosopher living in New York City. She is passionate about astrology and aims to do so Keep writing more about stargazing In the future.
“Freelance entrepreneur. Communicator. Gamer. Explorer. Pop culture practitioner.”
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