October 18, 2024

Brighton Journal

Complete News World

The Mona Lisa was left unharmed but smeared with cream in a climate protest stunt

The Mona Lisa was left unharmed but smeared with cream in a climate protest stunt

PARIS (Reuters) – The Mona Lisa was shaken but unharmed on Sunday when a visitor to the Louvre tried to smash the glass protecting the world’s most famous painting before smearing its surface with cream in an apparent climate publicity ploy.

The perpetrator was a man disguised as an old lady who jumped out of a wheelchair before attacking the glass.

An author posted a post-accident video clip showing a Louvre worker cleaning the glass, “Maybe it’s just crazy for me…”. “(He) then proceeds to smear the cake on the glass, throwing roses all over before security confronts him.”

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The Louvre could not be reached for comment.

Another video posted on social media showed the same employee finishing cleaning the painting while another host removes a wheelchair from in front of the da Vinci masterpiece.

“Think of the earth, people are destroying the earth,” the man wearing a French wig said in another video that showed him being led away from the Paris fair with a wheelchair, noting that the accident was likely an environmental activist. motivation.



(Tassilo Hamel reports). Editing by John Stonestreet

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