Editor’s note: Aug 16 update: Due to bad weather, the Saturn opposition webcast from The Virtual Telescope Project has been rescheduled for Tuesday (August 16) at 6:30 PM EST (2230 GMT).
The ringed planet Saturn is often hailed as the jewel of the solar system and you have a chance to find out why in tonight’s free webcast.
Saturn which contains the most impressive episodes of all Planets in the solar system reaches a point in its orbit called Opposition tonight (August 16) which marks its closest and brightest appearance in night sky this year. To celebrate, the Virtual Telescope Online Project will broadcast live views of Saturn from a telescope in Ceccano, Italy. Weather permitting, the webcast will start at 6:30 PM EST (2230 GMT) . It will appear on this page at start time, but you can also Watch live on the Virtual Telescope project website (Opens in a new tab) very.
“Such as lunar cycle As it progresses, Saturn and the background of stars will appear to shift westward each evening as the Earth moves around the sun, “NASA Wrote (Opens in a new tab) In the August Sky Watch Guide. “Saturn will be at its closest and brightest for the year on August 14, rising around sunset and setting around sunrise.”
Related: Brightest planets in the sky of August 2022
When Saturn is opposite, it is at a point in its orbit on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun. It’s also at its closest point of the year, which in 2022 is about 823 million miles (1.32 billion km).
According to Space.com’s Skywatching columnist Joe Rao, Saturn is currently shining With a size of +0.3, it is slightly brighter than Procyon, the eighth The brightest star in the night sky . The planet is visible in the southeast sky.
Weather permitting, you can watch Saturn at its best for 2022 on August 16, 2022, in the Virtual Telescope Project’s free webcast. (Image credit: Virtual Telescope Project)
Saturn isn’t the only planet you can see in the night sky. Jupiter and the Moon will also make a show NASA said.
From Sunday night to Monday morning, August 14-15, 2022, Jupiter will appear to the left of the waning convex moon. The pair will rise above the eastern horizon at 9:58 p.m. EDT with Jupiter about 6 degrees to the left. Moon “NASA” Wrote in his guide. (Your closed fist extended at an arm’s length covers about 10 degrees of the sky.)
Illustration showing Saturn in opposition in the night sky on August 14, 2022. (Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)
“The moon will reach its highest levels in the sky on Monday night at 4:02 a.m. with Jupiter about 4 degrees above the moon, and morning twilight will begin a little over an hour later at 5:19 a.m.,” NASA added.
Are you looking for a file telescope or binoculars To observe Saturn, Jupiter or the Moon? Our guides for Best binoculars deals and the The best telescope deals right now A great place to start. our The best cameras for astrophotography And the Best lenses for astrophotography It can also help you find equipment to capture the next sky observation scene like a pro.
This sky map shows where Jupiter and the Moon will be in the southwest sky on the evening of August 14, 2022. (Image credit: Starry Night Software)
Editor’s note: If you’ve taken an amazing photo of Saturn or any other night sky view and want to share it with Space.com for a story or photo gallery, send photos, comments, and location information to spacephotos@space.com .
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