Oxytocin is part of the so-called “quadruple of happiness,” a group of hormones important to our mood. SerotoninThe Dopamine And this Endorphins.
“The term has become popular Positive influence They keep us Emotional well-being. Each of them plays an important role and, together, contributes to creating a sense of happiness and well-being. These hormones Neurotransmitters They are produced in different parts of the body and have specific effects on the brain,” he explained Infobay In a recent note, Dr. Laura Maffei(MN 62441), endocrinologist, stress specialist, director of Maffei Medical Center.
And he added: “Oxytocin is known for its role in building social bonds and establishing relationships.” Effective relationshipsAnd the dosage can also be reduced concern And mental stress. It is colloquially known as “The Love Hormone”. It plays a fundamental role in social relationships and emotional attachment. It is released during physical interactions like hugs and kisses,” said the doctor.
Oxytocin (OXT) is a hormone known for its effects on psychological well-being and emotional bonding in animals. Interestingly, research shows that this natural brain chemical plays an important role in others as well Cognitive processesIncluding Learning And this remember. Now, scientists say they have discovered how OXT affects memory in animals by studying “OXT neurons” that contain OXT receptors.
A study Recently published in PLOS One, a team of researchers led by Prof Akiyoshi Saitowith Junbei Takahashi of Tokyo University of Science, They investigated the complex neural pathways and signaling mechanisms activated by OXT. They provided unprecedented insights into its implications for learning and memory.
“We previously suggested that oxytocin might be a new therapeutic candidate for dementia based on studies using a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease,” Saito said.
In this previous study, Tokyo University of Science researchers found that an experimentally modified oxytocin derivative improved brain permeability and reversed protein-induced cognitive decline.
Professor Saito continued: “To investigate this further, the team of scientists in this study examined the role of endogenous OXT. Mouse cognitive function. This was done using pharmacological techniques for specific activation Neurons OXT in specific brain regions. The cognitive function of rats was assessed using the novel object recognition task (NORT).
Research emphasizes the important role of OXT in regulation remember Deficiency of social, OXT or its receptors has been linked to aberrant social memory in mice. However, this novel study focuses attention on the role of endogenous OXTergic projections in learning and memory, specifically in the supramammillary nucleus (SuM).
to identify Neurons Responsible for OXT's effect on memory, researchers visualized its fragments the brain After specifically activating OXT neurons in the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus (PVN) of the mouse, we observed positive signals in the PVN and its projections to the SuM. Further verification of the activity of OXTergic neurons was confirmed by an increase in c-Fos-positive cells (indicative of neuronal activation) in the PVN after administration of clozapine N-oxide (used to activate neurons).
Furthermore, this study focused on the effect on the activity of OXTergic neurons. Learning and memory Using the Y and NORT maze. Surprisingly, no changes in short-term spatial memory were observed in the Y-maze test. However, activation of OXTergic neurons significantly enhanced spatial memory. Long term material recognition in the north.
Interestingly, the number of c-Fos-positive neurons in the SuM and dentate gyrus (a region in the hippocampus of the brain) increased after NORT, indicating the involvement of OXTergic neurons. Long-term memory maintenance Through these regions. Additionally, the team selectively activated OXTergic axons in the SuM, which led to rats spending more time exploring novel objects, suggesting a direct modulation of object recognition memory by projecting OXTergic axons from the PVN to the SuM.
This study reveals, for the first time, the involvement of OXT in object recognition memory through SuM. suggests potential implications for understanding the role of physiological OXT Alzheimer's disease and highlights the participation of OXTergic projections in modulation authentication memory.
“There is a widely accepted belief that dementia progresses faster in environments where people experience it Isolation or limited social involvement. However, the scientific underpinnings of this phenomenon remain largely elusive. Our research seeks to elucidate the critical role of a stimulus environment in activation Oxytocin In the brain, reducing potential progress Dementia“Professor Saito explained. Ongoing research in this field is expected to pave the way for innovative drug treatments and interventions aimed at halting the progression of dementia.
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