October 18, 2024

Brighton Journal

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Two Experts’ Bold Proposal: “It’s Time to Treat Sugar Like Cigarettes”

Two Experts’ Bold Proposal: “It’s Time to Treat Sugar Like Cigarettes”
Mark Hyman and Ron Goodman, in an op-ed in Time magazine, treat sugar like cigarettes. – (illustrative image information)

In an opinion piece published in Time By Mark Hyman and Ron GoodmanIt is proposed A provocative comparison: treat sugar the way you treat cigarettes. The authors, leading researchers in functional medicine, longevity and nutrition, argue that the food we eat affects all aspects of our lives and bodies: “Our hormones, brain chemistry, immune system, microbiome; the list goes on. So it’s important, they make sure consumers understand.” Nutritional value Food To make informed decisions, especially when it comes to sugar.

Hyman is a family physician, internationally recognized speaker, best-selling author, educator and advocate for functional medicine, real food, nutrition and wellness. Goodman is an inventor, technology and healthcare pioneer and entrepreneur, best-selling author, philanthropist and adjunct professor at Stanford University. Both propose similar warnings on cigarette packs. Food labels should warn about the dangers of consuming too much sugar.

The FDA recommends no more than 50 grams of added sugar per day, as opposed to the 150 grams the average American consumes. (Illustration Image Infobae)

The Food and Drug Administration The US FDA recommends that adults consume no more than 50 grams of sugar per day (based on a 2,000-calorie diet), although the average American Consume about 150 grams of sugar per day, three times the recommended amountIt contributes 49% of American adults are diabetic or prediabetic. “There are more than 60 different ways to identify sugar on nutrition labels,” the authors note, which unreasonably complicates consumers’ efforts to control their sugar intake.

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Hyman and Goodman point out that 74% of packaged foods in the US contain added sugar. Including seemingly healthy foods. “Sugar is biologically addictive, studies show it It is eight times more addictive than cocaine”, and criticized the tactics of the food industry, similar to tobacco companies in past decades, to try to block efforts to better inform consumers about the dangers of excessive sugar consumption.

Implementation efforts Front labels It has been proven effective in products with high sugar content in countries like Chile and IsraelA significant reduction in the consumption of sugary drinks and positive changes in food purchasing habits were observed in 76% of the population after implementing the labeling system.

Pre-food labels have a positive impact on consumption in countries such as Chile and Israel. (Ministry of Health of Neuquen/Archive)

to Hyman and Goodman, labels on the front of packaged foods represent only the first step towards a healthier society. They underscore the importance of promoting the widespread production and distribution of healthy alternatives that are as tasty and accessible as sugar-filled options. The authors support the initiative US Department of Agriculture (USDA) It limits added sugars in school meals, helping to develop healthy eating habits from childhood.

The passage concludes that the right belongs to all Americans Clear and visible information on the sugar content of foods For both Hyman and Goodman, this transparency is essential to making more informed choices about our food and our health. This straightforward, evidence-based approach reflects its commitment to improving the well-being and longevity of millions, at a time when Excessive sugar consumption Never criticized too much.

74% of packaged foods in the US contain added sugar. (Illustration Image Infobae)

Known as Father Nutrition facts labels, Peter Barton HuttDuring his tenure as FDA chief counsel from 1971 to 1975, he introduced a system that empowered millions of consumers to make informed decisions about the foods they eat.

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Under Hutt’s guidance, the FDA changed that Regulatory approach. Before his arrival, the agency focused primarily on cracking down on specific violations. However, under Hutt’s leadership, the FDA began developing proactive regulations that not only addressed violations but also prevented future problems. Transparency in food sector. This is how nutrition labels as we know them today were born, which he attributes to the influence of the National Canners Association.

Peter Barton Hutt is recognized as the father of nutrition labels. (Illustration Image Infobae)

Hutt’s contributions were not limited to his time at the FDA. His career spanned academia and private industry, where he continued his academic and consulting work. Each January at Harvard Law School, he enlightens young minds with courses ranging from the Code of Hammurabi to the modern FDA, overseeing cosmetics and carcinogens. “It’s 5,000 years of food and drug law. How can you not be excited?”Hutt commented that the passion for the subject was contagious.

Despite his rigorous work in food regulation, Hutt was surprisingly simple in his personal food choices. A fan of Five Guys hamburgers and daily vanilla ice cream, his personal life conflicted with the image of a strict regulator.. Although Hutt also takes health precautions like exercise and vitamin supplements, she maintains a balanced outlook on health, combining her favorite foods with a responsible approach to health.

Hutt combined her rigorous work at the FDA with a balanced approach to her own health and diet. (Illustration Image Infobae)

today, Nutrition labels are constantly evolving, to meet new challenges and adapt to the changing information needs of consumers. Hutt’s work remains relevant because regulators and consumers alike are searching for information. Healthy and conscious decisions.

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