September 8, 2024

Brighton Journal

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More than 700 people have been displaced by severe flooding in five provinces of Uruguay

More than 700 people have been displaced by severe flooding in five provinces of Uruguay
In the department of Salto, Uruguay warns that they are facing a critical situation due to the flooding of the river (Capture Underlined/Channel 10).

Further 700 people Displaced from their homes Uruguay Due to the floods affecting the South American country, this Tuesday reported National Emergency Organization.

As described in a statement, there are at this time 199 were evacuated and 564 self-exited at different places in the five sectors of the national territory.

In total, there are 436 departments Thirty three184 inches percent70 inches long hill54 inches leap and 19 inches Tacuarembó.

On the other hand, three national routes have been closed (one in two sections), at the same time 3,200 people are without electricity.

On Sunday, the Meteorological Institute of Uruguay issued a statement informing people that they would be registering between that day and Wednesday “Strong and very strong storms, accompanied by occasional heavy rain”.

Likewise, he highlighted that the most important rainfall values ​​are predicted in the central, northern and eastern parts of the country; And the total rainfall accumulated in 3 days will be approx 80 to 120 millimeters.

This Tuesday, the National Emergency Organization reported that a city in the department Peach 125 mm of rain has fallen. Meanwhile, four other places have crossed 100 millimeters.

Saldo, a sector of the Uruguayan coast affected by flooding in Brazil (Capture Underlined/Channel 10)

On the other hand, Uruguay’s Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries Minister Fernando Matos said the flooding in southern Brazil represented a “real drama” of “immeasurable” damage and raised “alarm” in his country.

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We are alarmed by the fact that this great drama experienced by the Rio Grande do Sul just a few kilometers away has the worst flood in history.”, he emphasized.

In March, Uruguay was also hit by floods that displaced more than 5,500 people from their homes.

Director Weather and Climate of the Meteorological Institute of Uruguay (INUMED)Néstor Santayana, warnedIn the next 48 or 72 hours it will rain for two or three months.” in several parts of Uruguayan territory, said a press conference.

“Although the areas of heaviest rainfall tend to swing further north or south, the most significant accumulations are generally in the central and northern parts of the national territory,” he explained.

Floods from heavy rains in southern Brazil are already receding 96 people died and 1.5 million were affectedRegional officials said this Tuesday, ahead of new storms that could further affect the region.

Water progress in the Uruguay River (Photo: El Ones)

Besides, the Civil Defense counted so far, 131 missing and 362 injureds are mainly affecting the state due to unprecedented rainfall and floods Rio Grande do Sul.

So far, 401 municipalities have been affected; “Practically the whole state,” Eduardo Light, governor of Rio Grande do Sul, the region hardest hit by the rains, told a news conference.

The announcement of new storms beginning this Wednesday that will strengthen between Friday and Sunday has officials already on alert as they prepare contingency plans.

According to the National Meteorological Institute (INMET), “heavy rains and storms” are expected in the coming days, along the border with Uruguay, in the southern part of Rio Grande do Sul state. A front cold.

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The governor called on residents of municipalities that are already affected and may fall back into the rain’s crosshairs to stay in shelters and see what happened to their homes only after authorities ensure complete safety.

“This is not the time to return home or stay in the affected areas,” the governor said, warning that new rains would affect many municipalities and the suburbs of the capital, Porto Alegre, and landslides were expected.

(with information from EFE)