September 16, 2024

Brighton Journal

Complete News World

China responded to NATO accusations The military alliance has said that Beijing poses a threat to global security

China responded to NATO accusations  The military alliance has said that Beijing poses a threat to global security

China has warned This Friday to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) will face consequences if it is treated as a hypothetical enemyIn response to recent statements by the Defense Secretary General, former Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian described Stoltenberg’s words as irresponsible and provocative, typical of Cold War mentality and ideologically biased. The NATO secretary called the Asian giant a legitimate challenge to global securitywhen The alliance summit was held this week 75th anniversary of its creation in Washington. Referring to the war in Ukraine, he noted that China cannot help fuel the biggest conflict in Europe in recent history without negatively affecting its interests and reputation.

Lin Jian accused NATO of attacking the Chinese organization and meddling in its internal affairs, and maliciously distorting China’s domestic and international policies. and deflect blame on the Ukraine issue.

The diplomat accused the NATO Secretary General of ignoring the facts and using various occasions to vilify and attack China, exaggerate the China threat theory and incite anti-China sentiments. “If China is treated as a ‘hypothetical enemy’, NATO will ultimately suffer only bitter consequences.Lynn warned. “We urge some Western politicians who are on the brink of political death not to forcefully try to leave any ‘legacy’ by fanning the flames, stirring up trouble and blaming others,” he said.

“China follows the path of peaceful development and will contribute more stability and positive energy to world peace and stability through its own development and foreign cooperation, while resolutely safeguarding its sovereignty, security and development interests,” the foreign ministry said.

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“Cold War Attitude”

The NATO It adopted a declaration on the first day of the summit on Wednesday, which considered China’s declared ambitions and compelling policies to continue to challenge its interests, security and values. “We express our deep concern and warn about the strategic partnership between Russia and China. “We face hybrid, cyber, space and other threats, as well as malicious activities by state and non-state actors.”NATO said in its statement.

Unlike North Korea or Iran, the alliance is not aware that Beijing is directly supplying Russia with weapons, but it is believed to be sending the technology and microelectronics needed to build the weapons, hence the sharp twist in language about the Asian country.

Lin Jian He has also responded to that in the report of the military coalition. “Without any evidence, NATO continues to spread false information produced by the US, openly defaming China, interfering with and undermining relations and cooperation between China and the EU,” he said.

A Chinese spokesman insisted the international community was adding fuel to the crisis between Russia and Ukraine, and suggested the military alliance should reflect on its own actions instead of blaming others. “China urges NATO to abandon outdated notions of Cold War mentality (…) correct their misunderstanding of China, stop interfering in its internal affairs, stop defaming its image, and stop interfering in China-EU relations,” he stressed.

Chinese situation

From the beginning of the conflict, China assumed a An ambiguous position regarding the war between Russia and UkraineFrom there he called for respect for the territorial integrity of all countries, including Ukraine, and respect for what he considered the legitimate security concerns of all parties about Moscow.

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China’s position reflects a growing Tensions Between the Asian country and the Western military alliance has increased in recent years due to many factors such as Chinese military expansion and its growing economic influence, as well as its close relationship with Russia.

Last May, during a stopover in Serbia on his European tour, Chinese President Xi Jinping vowed to never forget the 1999 bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade at the hands of NATO. “We must never forget this. Chinese people appreciate peace, but we will never allow such a tragic history to repeat itself,” Xi said in an open letter published in a Serbian newspaper.

The president was referring to the events of May 7, 1999, when US warplanes dropped five bombs on the Chinese diplomatic mission in the Serbian capital, causing a fire, three deaths and over twenty injuries. The goal of the NATO strikes was to force then-Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic to end his policy against Albanian rebels in Kosovo. After the embassy bombing, Washington apologized, saying it was due to an error in its intelligence data, Russian TV network RT reported.

Joint exercises

Parallel to these discussions, China also announced this Friday that Military exercises with Russia in the south of its territory. Dubbed “Joint Sea-2024”, the exercises will begin in early July and last until the middle of this month, China’s Defense Ministry said in a statement.

The maneuvers, at sea and in the air, take place around the city of Zhanjiang in Guangdong province in southern China. That is mentioned in the portfolio note It seeks to demonstrate the resolve and capabilities of both sides to counter threats to maritime security and safeguard global and regional peace and stability.. The joint exercises will deepen the global strategic alliance between China and Russia, marking a new era, the ministry statement added.

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