June 28, 2024

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A video released by Hamas shows how terrorists use civilian areas to launch rockets

A video released by Hamas shows how terrorists use civilian areas to launch rockets
(Video released by Hamas)

Images released by Hamas show how the militants are using it A civilian area is the starting point for their attacks.

“These are the criteria by which Hamas has chosen to install rocket launchers: anywhere. “Community areas are preferred.”Condemned the Israeli military with its X account.

Israel has long denounced that terrorist organizations in Gaza also base themselves on humanitarian infrastructure. Five missiles were fired at Israel yesterday From the humanitarian aid zone in central Gaza. Two of them crossed Israel and three fell in Gaza.

Earlier this month, Israel reported that Hamas had detonated some houses in Rafah, southern Gaza. Defense forces released a video showing how soldiers entered the house and placed at least three large black cylinders in rooms, corridors and even the kitchen.

“This is a house in Rafah that was hit by a Hamas trap. This is one of many examples Hamas is entrenching itself in population and civilian infrastructure“, the army wrote on its social networks with pictures, while exposing once again how the Iranian-funded group uses innocent Palestinians in the context of war.

“Hamas continues to prioritize its terrorism over the safety of Gazans”Add a message.

This Sunday the Israeli army announced that it would cease its attacks in the southern Gaza Strip from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. daily. Distribution of humanitarian aid in the area.

Path of humanitarian breakdowns in Salah al-Din area. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced early Sunday morning that they would be temporarily “tactical suspending” their daily military operations “until further notice” to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip.

The decision was taken after “discussions with the UN and international organizations,” the Israeli military said in a statement.

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As you can see in the map shared by the authorities “Humanitarian Breaks” track Daily Israelis, it reaches from the crossing Kerem ShalomOn the south, to the European Hospital John Eunice.

Since the Israeli army entered Rafah early last month, the border into Egypt has been closed to most humanitarian aid, and no goods enter through the occasional Kerem Shalom crossing in the south.

The situation is compelling Close hospitals and clinics Condemned by international organizations such as Doctors Without Borders, it has helped worsen an already devastating humanitarian crisis.

According to the military, the daily pause in attacks began yesterday, Saturday.

In a subsequent statement, the Israeli forces clarified the decision The war in the South did not mean a cease-fire, He also insisted that the attacks in Rafah would continue.

They assured that the route cleared by the military could only be used for the transport of humanitarian aid and not for civilian travel.

The announcement comes a day after the Israeli military suffered its worst day in Gaza since the war began. Eight soldiers were killed when an armored vehicle exploded In it they traveled south of the strip.

The armed forces’ explanation was that a bomb hit a vehicle loaded with explosives and it detonated, triggering a huge explosion.

Israeli forces today released the names of five of the eight soldiers killed in the incident, and announced yesterday that two security forces were killed in a tank explosion, north of the enclave, on Saturday.

Since the start of the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza At least 309 Israeli soldiers were killed. Meanwhile, 37,296 Gazans have lost their lives, most of them women and children, in continuous attacks by the Israeli army.

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(with information from EFE)