October 22, 2024

Brighton Journal

Complete News World

Biden’s job approval is second in presidents since the 1950s: Gallup

Biden’s job approval is second in presidents since the 1950s: Gallup

President Biden’s approval numbers remain stuck at record lows as he faces a string of setbacks, according to a new poll.

Latest Gallup The survey was released on Friday He found that nearly 41 percent of adults in the United States approve of the job Biden has been performing for just over a year in office, roughly the same as previous polls showing him underwater among the public.

56% of those surveyed in the latest survey disapprove of Biden’s job performance as president. This is an almost complete reflection of his approval numbers when he took office, and when 57 percent Of the adults surveyed said they approved of the way he was approaching his job.

Gallup noted that Biden’s average approval rating for this point in his tenure is lower than all of his other predecessors going back to the 1950s, with the exception of former President Trump, who had a 39.1 percent approval rating during the same period in his tenure.

Even several post-World War II presidents in their first term had fifth-quarter averages above 50 percent, with three — John F. Kennedy, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush — above 70 percent, according to Gallup data.

Biden’s approval numbers have fallen steadily since he took office in January 2021, and the latest poll tracks with other recent polls, including Politico-Morning Consult Poll From last month he found Biden’s approval at around 45 per cent.

Biden’s job approval rating upside down could eventually affect this year’s midterm elections, as Democrats defend slim majorities in the House and Senate.

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“While it is possible for Biden’s job approval to increase between now and the fall election, doing so would be against the historical pattern of second-year presidents,” Gallup analysts say.

“Prospects for a marked improvement in Biden’s job approval rates before the first half of fall look bleak not only because of the historical record of second-year presidents, but because his approval rates have been stuck in the low 40s for eight months.”

Biden has faced a series of major challenges since taking office, including a chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, rising consumer prices for food and gas, a sudden rise in cases amid the COVID-19 pandemic and an influx of migrants trying to cross the country’s southern border.

The president has set a rigorous travel schedule in recent days to tout the achievements since his time in office, including the $1.2 trillion infrastructure spending plan that Congress passed with bipartisan support last year.