October 22, 2024

Brighton Journal

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Bolivia: Fuel and food shortages due to blockades by followers of Evo Morales

Bolivia: Fuel and food shortages due to blockades by followers of Evo Morales

Louis Arce’s government introduced a distribution program for commodities such as meat, rice and vegetables. Almost all the capitals are out of petrol and diesel.

Today is 14:06

Road blockades by supporters of former Bolivian President Evo Morales have begun to affect the country’s major cities. There are already pumps without fuel and shortages of commodities like meat, rice and vegetables.

The government of President Luis Arce, who has strong tension with the former president over the control of the Government Party Towards Socialism (MAS), introduced a distribution plan for these products, the production provided through the Food Support Agency (MMABA).

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Almost all the capitals and medium towns do not have petrol and dieselThis has significantly reduced public transport service. And the Traffic officials have declared an emergencyAccording to a Bolivian newspaper report ‘Duty’.

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The government acknowledges the fuel shortage as hundreds of vehicles, including tanker trucks filled with diesel and petrol, “seen” blockades at strategic points along the country’s central axis. They have been detained since Monday in a kilometre-long queue.

As beef, chicken and pork sellers announced a 24-hour strike on Monday, the government emergency plan For distribution of meat products. Beef from Beni and poultry farms will be transported by Emaba to La Paz and El Alto and sold at fixed prices.

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Thus, chicken meat will be sold 16.50 bolivianos per kilo (about 2.19 euros)Beef will cost 25.50 bolivianos per kilo (about 3.39 euro/kg), below the 20 bolivianos per kilo currently sold for.

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Meanwhile, on Saturday, in the department of Santa Cruz, the police unblocked the road leading to Las Valles and detained five people in the municipality of Pampa Grande, according to the government minister. Eduardo del Castillo.

In another operation, in La Paz, on Friday, police surprised a group with explosives that tried to block the La Paz-Oruro highway near Apacheta. La Paz Police Department Commander Gunther Luis Agudo disclosed that the five detainees are from Fejuve. Luis CastayaLeader related to Evo Morales.

Several “Evista” blockade points are also concentrated in the Cochabamba region.

Answer by Ars

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The Bolivian president has warned that they will not bow to pressure from “those who want to set the country on fire to protect themselves from personal accusations,” referring to Morales and his followers, who have blocked access for a fourth straight day. Department of Cochabamba.

“You know that We are going to respect the stability of the BoliviansWe are not going to give in to those who want to set the country on fire to protect themselves from personal accusations, they should show their faces,” Ars said.

And he added: “We are living in difficult times due to an international crisis that affects all the economies of the region, and despite this, Bolivia has managed to maintain stability thanks to the joint work of the central and subnational governments.” Today it is the tradition of the Bolivian people.

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In this regard, the Head of State has warned Officials will do “everything necessary to maintain the economic stability that has cost them so much work.”.