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Dan Bonino: The United States chose the “worst” option by sending Pelosi to Taiwan

Dan Bonino: The United States chose the “worst” option by sending Pelosi to Taiwan

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After noting that the two leaders of the Democratic Party, President Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), are on different pages when it comes to relations with China, “Unfiltered” host Dan Bongeno criticized the government for choosing the “worst” foreign policy option by sending Pelosi to Taiwan, in”Fox and Friends” Saturday.

China disrupts military and climate talks with us in retaliation for Pelosi’s visit

Dan Bongeno: Once the flight leaked…she had to go. But again, this goes back to my first question: What is the purpose of the trip? I mean, if you’re going there because you’ve adhered to a resolute path to defend Taiwan, that’s fine. But she goes there, and then [John] Kirby steps up on the podium and basically says, “Yeah, we’re all talking about the ‘one China’ policy and we get along with China.” So again, you put the Taiwanese in a really bad situation, okay?

“Unfiltered” host Dan Bongeno says Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan put the Taiwanese in a “really bad situation” on “Fox & Friends” on Saturday, August 6, 2022.

And let’s be clear, there were no good options here, I think you all know that. There were bad, worse and worse choices, okay? But I think we picked the worst one, at this point, we sent it out there. And now we Dealing with all this.

Are these people who made this decision the ones who send their children to war in Taiwan? The answer is probably no. They will be your children if that happens, God forbid.

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Watch the full interview below