It’s been a busy week pirates Escape from video game studios private files And the Using the services of publishers for their own gain. But this time, a large studio was accused of hacking. a group of Fate 2 Cheat makers are suing Bungie for hacking into one of their computers. They seek a jury trial, damages, court fees, and Bungie to destroy the files he got from the hack.
AimJunkies is a website that sells cheat software for first-person shooters like Apex Legends, The battlefield series, Counter Strike: Global Attack, And the Fate 2. It’s owned by the Phoenix Digital Group, which battles ongoing copyright issues from Bungie since last year.
As it was originally spotted sil freakThe countersuit Claims that Bungie accessed and downloaded files to the PC of defendant James May, who Bungie says was a third-party cheat developer, without “knowledge or authorization” between 2019 and 2021. As evidence, the defendants cited a Bungie production document made Discovered during ongoing lawsuits, with file location names coming from May’s hard drive. Kotaku I contacted the Phoenix Digital Group to inquire about the contents of the hacked files, but had not received a response by the time of publication.
The Phoenix Digital Group argued that Bungie used the information it obtained to “further monitor” the group, and cites the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act in the lawsuit. sil freak mentioned That User Agreement for 2019 Fate 2 Bungie has not given permission to access players’ profiles. Kotaku I reached out to Bungie for comment, but had not received a response by the time of publication.
Phoenix Digital Group also claims that a Bungie agent purchased the AimJunkies cheat software in 2020. The lawsuit states that Bungie violated AimJunkies’ terms of service by decoding and reverse engineering it.
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من المثير للسخرية أن صانعي الغش يستخدمون ملفات المحكمة الخاصة بـ Bungie لصنع بدلة مضادة. فقط last monthIn a press release, the Phoenix Digital Group said: “Don’t believe everything you read [Bungie’s] filings. In fact, don’t believe 90% of what they assert in their filings.”
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