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As excitement builds for the unveiling of the first full-color web images on Tuesday 12 July, here’s how to take part in the global celebration across European Space Agency channels. Choose from watching a live broadcast, attending an in-person event, or joining our social media activities.
These first images from the NASA/ESA/Canadian Space Agency’s (James Webb) International James Webb Space Telescope will show Webb in full force, ready to begin its mission to explore the infrared world. From the deepest images of the universe ever, to stellar life cycles, the interaction of galaxies and insights about exoplanets, Webb is set to amaze us across a wide range of topics.
Watch live from 16:00 CEST on July 12th via ESA Web TV
NASA, the European Space Agency and the Canadian Space Agency are hosting a joint broadcast to reveal new images one by one with live commentary from experts. ESA hosts uplink on ESA Web TV. He will begin with the leadership speech at 16:00 CST, the photo will appear live with experts commentary from 16:30 CEST, and a media briefing at 18:00 CEST.
Press release and where to find the new photos
The images will be released simultaneously across websites, partner agencies, and social media accounts.
check the esa.int The homepage where each photo is revealed on July 12, between 16:30 CST and 17:30 CST. The full set of images will also be available via the ESA Space in Images archive over here.
Once all images are submitted in the live broadcast, a press release will be published in esa.int/webb
bookmark www.esawebb.org For all the Webb community updates too.
Personal Media Opportunities
Europe-based media were invited to join ESA at ESOC (Darmstadt, Germany) and ESTEC (Noordwijk, Netherlands) on July 12 for a special event to celebrate the release of the image. More details and accreditation over here.
Join the #EuropeMeetsWebb public events
Special events are being held across Europe to celebrate this outstanding mission and bring images to more citizens across the continent. Find an event near you, over here.
Be a part of the social media hype
There are so many ways to join the Webb photo hype across our major social media channels during the countdown to the big unveiling. Here’s a reminder of our main accounts, and some fun new challenges to look out for this week:
Follow Tweet embed To get the latest job updates. The first images will also be released via Tweet embed And the esa.
What observations or astronomical objects are you looking forward to seeing with Webb? Search for #WebbChallenge coming from Tweet embed Later this week!
Join the public conversation using the hashtag #EuropeMeetsWebb #WebbSeesFarther or #UnfoldTheUniverse
did you join Web Facebook Social Until now? International mission partners NASA, ESA, and CSA have teamed up to tell you all about Webb with dedicated posts this week and the day after.
Don’t forget to follow Tweet embedour official Facebook page for Webb, as well as @ European Space Agency On the cool photo she will reveal on Tuesday.
If Instagram is your social site, follow @ESAWebb This is where the new photos will appear as well. There’s a challenge for you to join in there too, so watch our posts and stories this week.
Spotify – Music Challenge
It’s the final countdown! What songs come to mind when you think of Webb and his science goals? We invite you to add a profile see farther Spotify playlist, building on songs about launch and spread to cover all things stars, planets, galaxies and beyond. Submit your ideas as responses to the relevant ESA TwitterAnd the Facebook or Pinterest Posts or via ESA channel on Instagram In our Friday night ESA Quiz story issue. The updated Spotify playlist will be revealed on July 11th and announced across our main social channels.
Science with the Web: Seeing Further
About Web
Webb’s telescope shot up on a tube I see that 5 rockets from the European Spaceport in French Guiana on December 25, 2021 on its exciting mission to reveal the secrets of the universe. Webb, a partnership of NASA, ESA, and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), is designed to answer outstanding questions about the universe and to make breakthrough discoveries in all areas of astronomy. The main ESA contributions to the mission are: NIR a tool; 50% off Mary a tool; provision of launch services; and personnel to support scientific operations. In return for these contributions, European scientists will receive a share of at least 15% of the total observing time, such as the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope.
“Web maven. Infuriatingly humble beer geek. Bacon fanatic. Typical creator. Music expert.”
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