July 27, 2024

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Insomniac Games’ massive Wolverine sequel leaked after ransomware deadline passed

Insomniac Games’ massive Wolverine sequel leaked after ransomware deadline passed

Clips from the upcoming Insomniac movie Wolverine The game has started Widespread on X After hackers published large troves of internal data from its developer. Cyber ​​Daily Reports A total of 1.67 terabytes of data comprising more than 1.3 million files was released by the Ryhsida ransomware gang, which announced it had stolen the data in a hack on December 12. At the time, the group announced a starting auction price for the data at 50 bitcoins, roughly $2 million, and a seven-day payment deadline.

Along with level design and character materials from WolverineThe leak appears to include several internal company presentations containing details about unannounced Insomniac and Sony games, screenshots of internal spreadsheets, and details about development and marketing budgets. Wolverine It’s said to be the first in a planned trilogy of X-Men titles, with the second and third games scheduled to be released before the end of 2029 and 2033 respectively. according to Cyber ​​Daily. There’s also mention of a third Spider-Man game, a game based on Venom, and a new entry in the Ratchet and Clank franchise.

Sony did not immediately respond the edgeRequest to comment on the publication of hacked materials. When Ryhsida announced the hack last week, Sony said it was investigating the matter, adding that it had “no reason to believe that any other divisions of SIE or Sony were affected.”

The company was also affected by MOVEit cyberattacks this year. in October Sleeping computer mentioned Sony Interactive Entertainment has notified approximately 6,800 current and former employees of a breach that resulted in personal information being exposed. The group behind this attack was separate from the most recent Insomniac hack; The Cl0p ransomware group claimed responsibility in June. Sony’s film division, Sony Pictures, was the target of a major hack nearly a decade ago in 2014, in which personal information on employees and internal emails were leaked publicly in an attack believed to be sponsored by the North Korean government.

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Reseda was the subject of a Cybersecurity alert It was published last month and co-authored by the US Department of Justice and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. The alert noted that Rhysida was seen using VPNs to connect to internal company systems from the outside, often using compromised credentials with “organizations that lack MFA enabled by default.”

When I called him Cyber ​​DailyA representative for Reseda said her attack was motivated by money. “We knew that developers who make games like this would be an easy target,” they said.