July 27, 2024

Brighton Journal

Complete News World

Joe Biden presented his new social spending plan for $ 1.75 trillion after tough negotiations.

Joe Biden presented his new social spending plan for $ 1.75 trillion after tough negotiations.
US President Joe Biden during his speech (REUTERS / Jonathan Ernst)

President of the United States, Joe Biden, Announced on Thursday The “historical” framework for a broader social spending plan that is central to its national agenda.

“I know we have a historic economic structure.”Biden said in a speech to the nation after his trip to Capitol Hill to discuss the plan with his party leaders that it was split over the cost and details of the effort.

Biden has been personally in talks in recent days and was keen to announce the structure of at least one deal before leaving for the World Summit this Thursday. G-20 In Rome and COP26 And Glasgow.

Plans, the President pointed out first Infrastructure And about the second Social activities And Environment, Represents “historic investments”, although the amount has been significantly reduced compared to the original ambitions.

Overall, US $ 555 billion has been allocated to combat climate change, Which represents the largest investment in the history of that front. However, Reform to reduce the price of prescribed drugs was withdrawn And Provide maternity leave, Among other social benefits.

This project considers “Beyond any other developed country in the world, it is by far the most important investment facing the climate crisis.”As he prepares to leave for summits in Europe, Biden said on a frantic day to seek support for his social spending plan.

Chief of Staff, Ronald Klein, The total amount of the plan adjusted for inflation is fixed The glorious reconstruction of the 1930s is more than double the “new treaty”.

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“President Biden has promised to rebuild the backbone of the country – the middle class. So this time everyone can progress. He also campaigned on the promise that the government would put workers back to work. Today, the president is fulfilling these promises, ”the White House said.

When, Democrats study new additional tax on the rich – 5% on income above $ 10 million and another 3% on those over 25 million To help finance it.

“I am an employer, but I ask you to pay only your fair share”Biden said during his speech. “So far they have paid almost zero”.

In history
The president said his plan was to take action against the “most important” climate crisis in history. (REUTERS / Jonathan Ernst)

Earlier, the President spoke on Twitter: “The structure of the project Built Back Better (Built Back Better) will put the United States on track to achieve our climate goals, Creating millions of high-paying jobs And growing our economy from the bottom up and from the center. It is paid in full by asking companies and the rich to reward work, not wealth”.

The billionaire tax bill sought to garner the votes of the centrist Democrats Kirsten Cinema Arizona, which expressed concern about the growing shortage, but the senator Joe Mancin West Virginia said it was an unjust attack on the rich.

The Democrats cannot give any of the 50 votes in the Senate to approve its budget plans, keeping in mind that no Republican wants to support its plans..

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If the ruling party reaches half of the 100 seats, the tiebreaker will be broken by the vice president. Kamala Harris.

Controversy among Democrats over major draft domestic policy halts approval of a package $ 1 trillion for roads, Broadband and other infrastructure projects approved by the Senate with the votes of both parties. Democratic lawmakers in the progressive section want to read the nuances of the best domestic policy bill before voting on the infrastructure bill.

(With information from AFP and AP)

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