March 28, 2025

Brighton Journal

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Mondino avoided responding to Lockal Poe and showed himself with Lula da Silva

Mondino avoided responding to Lockal Poe and showed himself with Lula da Silva
Diana Mondino was received by Lula and Brazilian Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira

In assumptionwhen Summit of Mercosur Presidents President for that Javier Mili decided not to attendPrincipal Diana Mondino He asked to “improve” the constituency at institutional, financial and external relations levels. “There is no economic prosperity without free trade, and no peace without free trade,” he revealed, and called for a free trade agreement with the European Union to be closed soon. The official represented the country in the absence of the Argentine head of state among the crosses with his Brazilian opponent, one of the protagonists of the crowd. Lula da Silvawith whom he maintains differences.

The absence of this libertarian generated a critical comment from Uruguay Luis Lacalle Pou. “All Presidents Should Be Here” The man, who already had some spicy crosses with Miley’s predecessor, Alberto Fernandez, said at Mercosur meetings held every six months to replace the pro-tempore president of the organization created in 1991. “It’s not just the message that matters, it’s the messenger that matters,” he added.

Diana Mondino at the Mercosur Summit

Santiago penThe Paraguayan president, meanwhile, said he could not convince Mili to be part of the summit. Mondino limited himself to conveying the President’s greetings And explained that his absence was due to the vigil he will be holding tonight in Tucuman where he will be signing along with governors of several provinces and other officials.May Agreement” was delayed by several months due to delays in the passage of the Constitution in Congress.

Prior to the start of the session, the Minister of Foreign Affairs was in private contact with President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and his Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira. “Before the Mercosur summit, President Lula reiterated to Foreign Minister Mondino the importance of the Brazil-Argentina relationship, in favor of the interests of the states and their peoples. He highlighted it as a tradition to preserve and expand the close bond of recent decades,” Idamaratti published.

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“We understand that concepts of freedom should exist Our road map to stop being a small MercosurProtected, Fearful, A Roadmap to Reach, Explaining Our Next President Pro Tempore, My Dear Luckal Bowe, A more flexible Mercosur, a modern Mercosur”In the last part of his speech, Mondino tried to cool the situation by referring to the Uruguayan in his sentence.

The foreign ministers of the member states of the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) pose after a pre-summit meeting of Mercosur heads of state in Asuncion (Paraguay) this Sunday. EFE/ Antonio Lacerta

Argentina’s proposal to renew or Upgrade The regional block is based on three points. “First, A Upgrade The institution of Mercosur, which allows flexibility in decision-making processes and the organization of several funds, committees; They should be organized for greater agility and coherence. Second, A Upgrade A financial system that guarantees rational and prudent use of resources by States Parties, with a comprehensive reform of Mercosur’s institutional structure, there must be a joint decision and audit, as it cannot be left to who decides what and how to spend. Third, A Upgrade Mercosur’s external relations. There is a direct correlation between peace, trade and prosperity. “We all know that there is no economic prosperity without free trade and there is no free trade without peace,” the minister summed up.

“So far, Mercosur It has not become a tool for accessing large foreign markets. We have not been able – sometimes due to the position of third parties, sometimes due to our own decisions – to reach preferential agreements with countries or groups that are part of the most dynamic trade flows globally today. “We are negotiating with the European Union, but we are proposing a new, faster negotiation with EFTA (NdeR: European Free Trade Association), Singapore, many countries that are here, Asia, countries that have approached us: Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Arab Emirates,” he promised. .

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To do this, according to the official, it must be achieved “A volatile Mercosur, on steroids; These 30 years of not much progress must come to an end. For example, he cited delays in reaching a free trade agreement with the European Union, an issue that has been unresolved for years, because of opposition from Brazil and some European countries that must be approved by their respective parliaments. “We must give a clear signal of our commitment to complete negotiations with the EU and not take our differences to other parties. We have already demonstrated our firm determination to reach an equitable and mutually beneficial agreement,” Mondino commented.

He also proposed “End tariff barriers. “Our government has begun extensive work, almost a census, to remove all barriers in Mercosur or improve intra-regional trade flows, and from there integrate ourselves and the rest of the world.”

The President of Uruguay, Luis Alberto Lacal Poe, will participate in the Summit of the Heads of State of the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) this July 8, 2024 in Asuncion (Paraguay). EFE/ Antonio Lacerta

The minister, at the beginning of his speech, expressed regret that “a final consensus could not be reached for the adoption of the draft. Joint Statement of States Parties and Related States All of our representatives dedicate long hours and efforts to reflect each of our positions. It was a practical and truly constructive exercise, and we were close to consensus when most of the text was practically agreed upon. “We all need to be heard.” “The added value of this type of meeting lies precisely in the exchange of ideas, which should not create a problem but be accepted as a healthy practice for the benefit of all its members,” he highlighted.

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“We live in a troubled world. Even so, around 300 trade agreements have been reached around the world. We firmly believe that the best way to face global challenges is to promote ideas of freedom. For Argentina, the confusion is over. Based on the principle of non-aggression, the right to life, freedom and protection of private property We believe in respecting and protecting the life plan of others,” he explained.

Commenting on the operation of the camp, he said, “Technically we have gone from creating trade to diverting trade. “Plus, we have a very imperfect customs union.” And he asked himself: Can we want to be a common market that is truly integrated with the world if we are not together with each other? Because we don’t do it locally. As Pena said, we have had marches and counter-marches. Over time, Mercosur ceased to be an escape valve for our own instability and became a corset. Something that doesn’t move us closer.”

Mondino also mentioned the economic efforts being made by the Argentine government. “Argentina’s new government created a very complex, harmful export control system in just a few days to 7 months. We ended December with 54% month-on-month inflation. Now it’s down to 3.5, 4, but that’s stupid, we still have a lot of work to do. We found 50 billion dollars in debt to importers and more than 15 thousand frozen dividends. International Monetary Fund 25 billion,” he enumerated.

Finally he added: “We are working on it, we believe that if we improve all these internal problems, we will be able to stop being a burden on Mercosur (countries) and contribute to development. Internally we have started the reform process of the state and we have already achieved this financial balance.