October 25, 2024

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One in four Argentines have symptoms of anxiety and depression: why psychological discomfort is on the rise

One in four Argentines have symptoms of anxiety and depression: why psychological discomfort is on the rise
“In the last two decades, several factors have contributed to the increase in psychological distress in Argentina” (Freepik)

With the release of the film Inside Out 2, a discussion of emotions was placed at the center of the scene a few weeks ago. The Disney and Pixar film deals with teenage emotions and character concernThe Jealousy, boredom and shame In awareness Puberty.

Fortunately, in Argentina and in many parts of the world, talking about mental health is not taboo, and young people and adults are increasingly encouraged to talk about issues that interfere with mental stability. Topics that need to be spoken out loud are becoming more prevalent.

This is what the data show: a Report of Argentina Social Credit Observatory (ODSA) Catholic University of Argentina (UCA) was revealed One in four Argentines have symptoms of anxiety and depression.

According to data from that university, in 2023, inflation and recession marked by the national economic environment, 26.7% of the community felt psychological discomfort. This number is the highest since this measurement was made 20 years ago. And Projections suggest that this will continue to increaseEstimated from the organization that released the survey in December.

According to American psychologist Abraham Maslow, the basis of morale is the satisfaction of basic needs such as food, shelter and shelter, and then security that persists over time (Illustrative Image Infobay)

As Infobae expected, another report published in February – from this case Applied Social Psychology Observatory From the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA)—showed results that set off alarm bells by exposing it 45.5% of Argentines face a crisis, either vital or economicAnd this 9.4% There are people Risk of suffering from mental disorderalong with other relevant data from the model.

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It should be clarified that Worry itself is not bad. “It’s thought to be an adaptive response so that all humans can direct their attention to threatening stimuli,” says neurologist, neuropsychologist and leader INECO Foundation, Teresa Doralva (MN 20816).

“Feel Occasional anxiety is a part of life -in control-. However, it becomes a problem when intense, excessive and persistent worries and fears appear in everyday life situations.

One in four Argentines have symptoms of anxiety and depression (illustrative image Infobae)

By asking about it InfobayResearcher and Doctor in Psychology Solange Rodríguez EspinolaServes as Coordinator of Human Capital and Wellbeing Committee ODSA He noted that the report “measures anxiety and depressive symptoms through a brief scale that measures psychological distress.”

“We are evaluating People with high anxiety and depression scores Symptomatology, not as a disorder, for many years,” said the expert who studied: “After the epidemic, an important economic, industrial, inflationary and labor situation was added, these conditions increase. We have observed that over time Psychological distress affects one in four people”.

For Psychologist and Teacher Flavio Calvo (MN 66,869), “Over the past two decades, several factors have contributed to the increase in psychological distress in Argentina. Most stand out among them Economic and labor inequalityThis has created a growing gap between rich and poor, as well as job insecurity and unemployment.

Projections from the UCA’s Argentina Social Credit Laboratory indicate that the figures will continue to rise

“Inflation and Repetition Economic crisis, in this economic cycle that Argentina is experiencing, causes a feeling of uncertainty and anxiety in the population – the expert observed -. Also, working conditions, especially informal work and unemployment, quality of life and well-being, increasing stress and anxiety among workers.

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This is Economic, labor and social uncertainty It creates in people a persistent feeling of insecurity and lack of control over the future. With basic aspects of life such as work and income so unpredictable as a quality, for him “this endless worry and stress can lead people to more anxiety and depression.”

According to the UCA report, 26.7% of people in the community felt psychological discomfort in the past year (Getty).

According to Rodríguez Espínola, “In the post-epidemic period and in crisis situations, psychological discomfort again has a major impact, Especially in the middle socioeconomic strata. There is a difference of socioeconomic status, though it takes on unique characteristics that are not shown differently throughout the series.

In the same way, according to Calvo, “anxiety and depression symptoms vary according to socioeconomic status. People of lower socio-economic status experience higher levels of anxiety and depression, mainly due to financial insecurity, limited access to resources and limited social support.

Lack of cash creates constant anxiety about the ability to meet basic needs such as housing, food and health. “Lack of economic resources limits the possibility of planning and coping with unexpected events, which increases stress,” the expert said. “This unstable environment and lack of control over the future is a significant trigger for anxiety.”

At this point, the UCA expert “Conditions Anxiety and depression are always higher in women, according to epidemiological reports on this topic. “There is always a tendency for women to experience more anxiety and depression symptoms than men.”

Although psychological distress did not differentiate between social classes, those with higher socioeconomic status were more likely to have access to treatment for their mental health (illustrated image information).

The UCA researcher clarified that this does not mean it is an adoption This does not imply that all women with a reductionist perspective or low-income population are anxious and depressed.However, “the survey shows Stability of an environment that facilitates or interferes with the expression of anxiety and depression In specific groups of people like 35 to 50 years oldPeople take on family and work responsibilities.

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Regarding the conclusion, Calvo quotes the American psychologist Abraham MaslowWho, when referring to human needs, says, “Put like this A foundation for morale The basic needs of food, shelter and shelter are addressed, and then this is security that lasts over time.

“When basic needs are not satisfied, it is difficult to have enough mental capacity to face other challenges,” he observed. Conversely, although people of higher socioeconomic status may also suffer from anxiety and depression, they have more resources to cope with them, for example, better access to health services and a stronger social support network.”