What three zodiac signs will have a difficult day on Friday, August 19, 2022? Well, it could be Leo, Scorpio or Pisces.
Whenever we have a cross like Moon is associated with Marsespecially when you travel alongside Moon trine Pluto, we can expect a struggle between vanity and some unsatisfactory outcome that will follow.
We may find ourselves having a day where it becomes more and more noticeable as the day goes on: we don’t seem to get along with anyone!
How on earth does this happen? Just yesterday, everything was great, and today, all we can do is snarl and get in in the wake of annoying little heads with people who suddenly seem to be under our skin, like nobody’s business.
The real underlying cause of this kind of petty annoyance is the Moon trine Pluto, which shakes our foundation and doesn’t allow us to see the good in anything. This in and of itself is a silly idea. Imagine not being able to see anything as good? Well, welcome back to the day, because this will be the resonant flavor of the day. dissatisfaction and rejection. Oh for joy.
We might have thought our bad moods would stay inside us, but with a Mars transit, there’s no way we can do anything but scream out loud and let everyone around us know that we’re unsatisfied.
We are martyrs today. pity hounds for attention. We will scream and groan all over until they notice us, and then we will scream and groan some more, hoping to relieve ourselves of the strange feeling of hostility that inhabits our soul today.
Read on to find out which of the three zodiac signs will have an approximate horoscope on Friday, August 19, 2022.
1. Leo
(July 23 – August 22)
You have always had a great sense of self-worth; You know what you can do, and in your own way you expect a certain kind of respect from those around you. You deserve every minute of that wonderful respect, however, when you don’t get what you think is owed to you, as you will see for yourself on this day, you can turn on that person or people and show your displeasure. With them.
This might be your worst idea today, as sometimes it’s hard for your friends to feel that you’ve been demoted to peon. you tend to banish friends When they don’t live up to your high expectations, and today they’ll make you scream at them and push them away.
You will hear words you wish you had never heard during this, as not everyone is as happy with you as you are. It is one thing to love and honor yourself, and to do it while treating people like trash is another.
2. Scorpio
(October 23 – November 21)
Pluto transits in any number of ways can work on you, Scorpio, as you tend to welcome conflicting energy and have never had a problem with the idea of a challenge. Today you will be faced with a challenge, however, that will not be the kind that you enjoy engaging in. What you can expect today is button presses; Someone in your office or workplace will blame you for something you know you didn’t do at least, not on purpose.
This will make you second-guess yourself and even feel bad about not getting something right. You are a bit of perfection And you’re so proud of your abilities, however, it seems like today doesn’t let you shine… in any way whatsoever. Even when you correct your mistakes, you will end up with a short end of the stick. Your intentions are good today, Scorpio; It’s the universe that has stopped working… and we all know how big this place is.
3. Pisces
(February 19 – March 20)
It doesn’t take much to get off track, and during the Moon trine Pluto, you’ll feel out of place and wonder what happened to you to make you feel that way. What happens is that Pluto’s energy knocks you down and makes everything look dark and hopeless.
This will surely pass and you won’t have that burden during the week, but the day is practically made solely for the purpose of having to feel things you might not necessarily want to feel. Old memories will be extracted today, and it will make you think about going back to some of your memories worst habits.
You will resist, which is a good thing, because you have some of that Mars energy helping you here, but you will be tempted to do all the wrong things. The good thing is that you realize that you are the strong player here; Thus, you act accordingly.
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