March 18, 2025

Brighton Journal

Complete News World

They accuse the head of Harvard University’s mortuary of embezzling human remains

They accuse the head of Harvard University’s mortuary of embezzling human remains

New York.— The Director of the Harvard Medical School Mortuary U.S. prosecutors said Wednesday that the organs were harvested and sold without permission.

A man identified as Cedric Lodge, 55, was charged with trafficking stolen human remainsAttorney Gerard Karam said in a statement. “Some crimes defy understanding”He commented.

“There is The worst thought was that victims volunteered to use their remains to teach professionals Promotes medicine and science and healing,” he added.

the lodge; His wife63 years old, et al Five accomplices were charged with allegedly being involved in a “national network” to sell human remains..

2018 to 2022 Lodge says the prosecution “Organs and other parts stolen from cadavers donated for medical research and education prior to cremation”.

Lodge has been charged Take the remains from Harvard in Boston to his home in Goffstown, New Hampshire.He and his wife sold to two other defendants: Katrina McLean and Joshua Taylor.

Sometimes stays “This allowed McLean and Taylor to go into the morgue … and examine the corpses to choose which ones to buy.”said the prosecutor. McLean and Taylor then resold the remains, according to prosecutors.

The prosecution says Maclean sent the human skin to Taylor to be “tanned”.The newspaper reported The Boston Globe.

Lodge was in charge Harvard Mortuary Anatomy Donation Program. He was fired on May 6, the university said.

Another defendant allegedly stole remains from an Arkansas morgue including where he worked The bodies of two stillborn children They should be cremated and returned to their families..

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The other two defendants They allegedly exchanged more than $100,000, buying and selling each other’s remains In online payments.

AFP Agency


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