“In that day I will restore the ruined house of David.
I will close its gaps and build up its walls
I will rebuild as in other times.
So he will take possession of what is left of Edom
in all the nations that are called by my name”
This is what the Lord says and He is in charge of fulfilling it.
The days will come, says the Lord.
When the plow overtakes the reaper
and the treader of grapes, to the sower;
Wine flows from the mountains and flows over the mountains.
Then I will bring back the captives of Israel.
They will rebuild the destroyed cities and live in them.
They will plant vineyards and drink wine.
Plant gardens and eat their fruits.
I will plant them in your soil
They will no longer be uprooted from the land I have given them.
says the Lord your God.
Good news for Saturday, July 6
Mount 9, 14-17
At that time, John’s disciples came to Jesus and said, “Why don’t your disciples fast while we and the Pharisees fast?” They asked. Jesus answered them: “How can the friends of the bridegroom mourn when he is with them? But the days will come when their husbands will be taken away from them, and then they will fast.
No one mends an old garment with new fabric because the new patch shrinks, tears the old fabric, and thus magnifies the tear. No one puts new wine into old skins, because the wine is torn, the wine is thrown away, and the wine is spoiled. The new wine is poured into new skins so that both items are preserved.
The words of the Holy Father for this Saturday, July 6
“I am going to send the Holy Spirit, who will guide you into all truth.” Therefore, “If you close your heart to the newness of the Spirit, you will never reach the full truth.” And “your Christian life will be a half-life, connected, attached to new things, but on a structure not open to the voice of the Lord: a closed heart, because you cannot change the skins of grapes.” (…) “What is a path?”. “Open your heart to the Holy Spirit and know what God’s will is.” (…) And «this is the message the Church gives us today; “New wine in new wine!” Jesus says so emphatically. Because, he repeated, “in the face of the newness of the Spirit, in the face of the wonders of God, customs must also be renewed.” Before continuing the celebration, Francis said that he hopes that the Lord will give us “a heart open to the voice of the Spirit, that will discern what must never change, because that is the foundation, what must change to receive the new nature of the Holy Spirit. (Homily Saint Martha, January 18, 2016)
Source: Vatican site
“Introvert. Thinker. Problem solver. Evil beer specialist. Prone to fits of apathy. Social media expert. Award-winning food fanatic.”
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