March 17, 2025

Brighton Journal

Complete News World

Who are the individual legislators who voted for nationalization of YPF in 2012?

Who are the individual legislators who voted for nationalization of YPF in 2012?

An inquiry set up in New York into YPF nationalization reached a decision adverse to the government, which is now necessary US$3.5 billion to US$17 billion in compensation. With an adverse outcome, Congress’ treatment of the initiative in 2012 was questioned.

Following the prompting of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, The initiative had 208 affirmative votes in the House of Representatives and 63 affirmative votes in the Senate. The plan was approved after a marathon session in the lower house, and on May 3 that year it was approved by both chambers.

While the initiative was endorsed by mainly pro-government legislators, opposition leaders were also on board with the document. Before victory He had sent it to the Congress.

Among the government supporters who raised their hands on the occasion were Diana Conti, Carlos Heller, Andrés Larocque, Facundo Moyano, Myra Mendoza, Augustine Rossi, Felipe Sola, Victoria Tonda, Fernando Solanas, Hector Recall, Rosanna Bertoneand up Omar Perotti.

Among the legislators who voted affirmatively, there were many voices critical of Kirchnerism today. Among them, Ricardo Gil Lavetra, Mario Negri, Gerardo Millman, Miguel Basse, Ricardo Buriale One Julio Martinezamong others.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, those who voted negatively included Elisa Cario, Patricia Bullrich, Graciela Camano, Graciela Ocana, Jorge Drica, Eduardo Amadeo, Alberto Assef, Gustavo Ferrari and Laura Alonso. Notable absentees from that vote: Margarita Stollbeiser, Gabriela Michetti, Oscar Aguate and Silvia Majdalani.

Meanwhile, the initiative had 63 affirmative votes and 3 negative votes in the Senate a month ago. There, the initiative was approved in a session chaired by the then Vice President Dear Bodou.

The nationalization project was celebrated and supported by pro-government leaders Daniel Filmus, Hannibal Fernandes.

Meanwhile, there were several leaders, today recognized critics of the opposition, who supported the initiative. Among others, one may mention Lewis Judge, Gerardo Morales, Louis Nydenoff, Ernest Chance, And Miguel Angel Pichettothen presided over by the Official Bench.

Among the legislators who opposed the plan at the time were Adolfo Rodríguez Cha, Juan Carlos Romero, and Liliana Negre de Alonso.

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Before victory (115) Albrieu, Oscar Edmundo Nicholas; Alonso, Maria Luz; Arena, Celia Isabel; Arregui, Andrés Roberto; Awosken, Herman Horace; Balcedo, Maria Ester; Barrandeguy, Raúl Enrique; Basterra, Luis Eugenio; Bedano, Nora Esther; Bernal, Maria Eugenia; Bertone, Rosanna Andrea; Bianchi, Maria del Carmen; Biddegan, Gloria Mercedes; Peralta white, white; Brower, Mara; Bromberg, Isaac Benjamin; Calcagno and Mailman, Eric; Carloto, Remo Gerardo; Carmona, Guillermo Ramon; Casselles, Graciela Maria; Catalan Magni, Julius Caesar; Eyebrows, Jorge Alberto; Chiono, Maria Elena; Ciampini, Jose Alberto; Chicogna, Luis Francisco Jorge; Clary, Marcos; Conti, Diana Beatrice; Córdoba, Stella Maris; Carrillon, Oscar Reuben; Data, Alfredo Carlos; From Pedro, Eduardo Enrique; DiPetri, Edgardo Ferdinand; Di Tullio, Juliana; Diaz Buncalari, Jose Maria; Diaz Roic, Juan Carlos; Tonkin, Carlos Guillermo; Elisey, Carlos Thomas; Eloriaga, Osvaldo Enrique; Felletti, Roberto Jose. Felix, Omar; Fernandez Sacasti, Anabel; Ferra De Bartol, Margarita Ferreyra, Araceli Susana Del Rosari; Francioni, Fabian Marcelo; Gallardo, Miriam Graciela Del Valle; Garcia Larapuru, Silvina Marcela; Garcia, Andrea Fabiana; Garcia, Maria Teresa; Gdanski, Carlos Enrique; Giaccone, Claudia Alejandra; Giacomino, Daniel Oscar; Giannetaccio, Graciela Maria; Gonzalez, Juan Dante; Gonzalez, Nancy Susana; Pomegranate, sweet; Grosso, Leonardo; Cuccione, Jose Daniel; Gutierrez, Monica Edith; Herrera, Griselda Nomi; Ianni, Ana Maria; Cosiner, Pablo Francisco Juan; Kunkel, Carlos Miguel; Landau, Jorge Alberto; Larocque, Andres; Leverberg, Stella Maurice; Llanos, Erminto Edgardo Marcelo; Lotto, Inez Beatrice; Martinez, Oscar Ariel; Mendoza, Myra Soledad; Mendoza, Sandra Marcela; Metaza, Mario Alfredo; Mirkin, Beatrice Graciela; Mongalo, Jose Ricardo; Moreno, Carlos Julio; Moyano, Juan Facundo; Mueller, Mabel Hilda; Nebreda, Carmen Rosa; Porto, Mario Nestor; Ortiz Correa, Marcia Sara Maria; Ortiz, Mariela; Nadu, Juan Mario; Peri, Julia Argentina; Perotti, Omar Angel; Peroni, Ana Maria; Petragalla Gordy, Horace; Pilati Vergara, Maria Inez; Pliny, Francisco Omar; Puigros, Adriana Victoria; Recalde, Hector Pedro; Redczuk, Oscar Felipe; Rios, Liliana Maria; Rios, Roberto Fabian; Riscoe, Sylvia Lucrecia; Riverola, Ruben Armando; Rivas, George; Rossi, Augustine; Salim, Juan Arturo; Santillan, Walter Marcelo; Ciuto, Ruben Dario; Segarra, Adela Rosa; Simoncini, Silvia Rosa; Solanas, Julio Rodolfo; Soto, Gladys Beatrice; Dineo, Javier Hector; Thomas, Hector Daniel; Unac, Jose Ruben; Villarino, Jose Antonio; Villa, Jose Antonio; Molina, Manuel Isaro; Yarede, Rodolfo Fernando; Yasbek, Reuben David; Yoma, George Raoul; Zamarreno, Maria Eugenia; Ziebart, Cristina Isabel and Ziegler, Alex Roberto.

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Ari Civic Alliance (2) Piemonte, Horace; Ate, Carlos Marcelo

Federal Cordoba (1) Fortuna, Francisco Jose

Federal Stream of Thought (1) Ledesma, Julio Ruben

Equality and Participatory Democracy (1) Rodriguez, Marcela Virginia

Civic Front (12) Matarazzo, Norma Amanda; Alonso, Federico; Brew, Augustine; Herrera, Jose Alberto; Martinez, Ernesto Felix; Mazzarella, Susana del Valle; Navarro, Graciela; Oliva, Christian Rodolfo; Pastoriza, Mirta Ameliana; Ruiz, Ida; Weide, Mariana Alejandra; Villada, Graciela.

A serious civil union (37) Albarracin, George Louis; Alphonsin, Ricardo Luis; Alvarez, Elsa Maria; Alvarez, Jorge Mario; Barbiri, Mario Leandro; Pace, Miguel; Benedetti, Atilio Brizuela and Doria, Inés; Buriale, Ricardo; Casanas, Juan Francisco; Semmes, George Ornar; Costa, Eduardo Raul; DeFerrari Ruda, Patricia; Espindola, Gladys Susanna; Fernandez, Rodoho Alfredo; Fiat, Mario Raymundo; Strong, Ulysses; Garrido, Manuel; Gil Lavetra, Ricardo; QUBERGIA, MICHAELANGELO; Jury, Marianna; Kronberger, Daniel Ricardo; Maldonado, Hugo; Martinez, Julo Cesar; Mouilleron, Roberto Mario; Negri, Mario; Orsolini, Pablo Eduardo; Bordela, Agustin Alberto; Rivara, Raul Alberto; Rogel, Fabian Tulio; Chaka, Luis Fernando; Santin, Eduardo; Alone, Felipe Chaos; Storani, Maria Luisa; Dunesi, Juan Pedro; Aha, Enrique; Yaku, Linda.

People’s Union (5) DiGennaro, Victor; Iturraspe, Nora Graciela; Lozano, Claudia Raul; Stop, Liliana; Ristra, Antonio Sabino

Peronist Union (3) Mouilleron, Roberto Mario; Rivara, Raul Alberto; Alone, Philip

Union for San Juan (1) Ibarra, Mauricio

U.De.So. to jump (1) Biella, Bernardo Jose

Free South (1) Donda Perez, Victoria

Holy faith in motion (1) Forconi, Juan Carlos

FILE – Supporters of Argentine President Cristina Fernandez’s proposal to nationalize YPF oil company flags outside Congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina. In a resolution issued on March 31, 2023, a New York court reprimanded Argentina for its 2012 takeover of YPF oil company and ordered it to pay economic compensation to affected shareholders. (AP Photo/Natacha Pizarenko, File)

Gene (3) Linares, Maria Virginia; Millman, Gerardo; Peralta, Fabian Francisco

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Jump We Are All (1) Olmedo, Alfredo Horacio

Southern Project (3) Argumedo, Altra Susana; Cardelli, George Justo; Solanas, Fernando Ezequiel

Socialist Party (6) Barzetta, Omar; Siciliani, Alice; Screen, Roy; Cucovillo, Ricardo Oscar; Racino, Elita Elena; Zabalza, Juan Cardos

New meeting (5) Harrisbey, Gaston; Heller, Carlos; June, Juan Carlos Isaac; Raimundi, Carlos; Zappatella, Martin

Peronist Front (3) and Federal (1) Atanasoff, Alfredo Nestor; Creamer de Busti, Maria Cristina; Roberti, Alberto Oscar; Wyer, Walter Raul

People’s movement (4) Shine, Jose Ricardo; Comelli, Alicia Marcella; Carramuno, George; Guzman, Olga Elizabeth

La Pampa Justice Party (2) Regazzoli, Maria Cristina; Roberto, Robert

Santa Fe Federal (1) Ladorre, Roxana Itati

Civic Front (2) Iturrez De Cappellini, Ada Rosa Del Valle; Judge, Luis Alfredo

Before all (1) Roldan, Jose Maria

Gene (1) Linares, Jaime

The Advocate October 8 (1) Escudero, Sonia Margarita

Neuquen People’s Movement (1) Lords, Horace

New meeting (2) Diaz, Maria Rosa; Lopez, Osvaldo Ramon

BJ La Pamba (2) HICONNET, MARIA DE LOS ANGELES; Verna, Carlos Alberto

Boudou celebrates the approval of the YPF ActMarcelo Gomez

The current Liberal Party (1) Meebe, Josephina Angelica

Salta Renewal Party (1) Perez Alcina, Juan Agustin

Socialist Party (1) Giustiniani, Ruben Hector

BJ lead for the win (31) Aguirre, Hilda Clelia; Barrionuevo, Walter Basilio; Russet, Rolando Adolfo; Biancalani, Fabio Dario; Blass, IES Imelda; Bongiorno, Maria Jose; Cabral, Salvador; Collazo, Mario Jorge; Coradi de Beltran, Ana Maria; Corrected, Elena Mercedes; De la Rosa, Maria Graciela; Fellner, Liliana Beatrice; Fernandez, Anibal; Plimus, Daniel Fernando; Sources, Marcelo Jorge; Godoy, Ruperto Eduardo; Gonzalez, Pablo G.; Gustavino, Pedro Guillermo Angel; Guinle, Marcelo Alejandro Horacio; Irrazábal, Juan Manuel; Labato, Maria Ester; Leguizamon, Maria Laura; Luna, Mirta Maria Teresita Mancilla, Sergio Francisco; Mayans, Jose Miguel Angel; Parrilli, Nanci Maria Agustina; Pichetto, Michelangelo; Persian, Daniel Rabull; Riofrio, Marina Raquel; Rojquez T; Alberovich, Beatrice Liliana; Ruiz Diaz, Elsa b.

Buenos Aires Federal Project (1) Kabanczyk, Samuel Manuel

Santa Fe Federal (1) Reutman, Carlos Alberto

Work and Dignity (1) De Berna, Graciela Augustina

A serious civil union (14) Artasa, Eugenio Justiniano; Borello, Marta; Cano, Jose Manuel; Cimadevilla, Mario Jorge; Marine, Juan Carlos; Martinez, Alfredo Anselmo; Montero, Laura Gisela; Morales, Gerardo; Nikish, Roy Abelardo; Bedkoff Nydenoff, Louis Carlos Rachet, Emilio Alberto; Sanz, Ernesto Ricardo; Vera, Arthur; Verani, Paul


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