October 18, 2024

Brighton Journal

Complete News World

Celia Flores had an embarrassing moment in the middle of Nicolás Maduro's chain for Labor Day

Celia Flores had an embarrassing moment in the middle of Nicolás Maduro's chain for Labor Day
Dictator Nicolás Maduro's wife tried to downplay the moment by saying, “She's eating gum.”

During an event labor day Broadcast on radio and television, Venezuela's so-called “first militant” and wife of dictator Nicolás Maduro, Cilia floresHe lived an embarrassing moment unnoticed by the cameras and onlookers on the scene.

Flores suffered an incident with his lies, praising the economic policies implemented by the dictatorship that were “designed to improve the social well-being of the Venezuelan people.”

The awkward episode caught everyone's attention, and he tried to downplay the moment by saying that in the middle of his speech, he suddenly stopped, covered his mouth, and later clarified, “Eating gum.” The report created reactions among the participants and the audience.

Cilia Flores wanted to send a “message of strength and unity” to the country's workers during her speech, which Maduro announced was equal to the “comprehensive minimum income” of $3.50 a month.

During his speech he zoomed in on the equivalent increase to the “integrated minimum income”. 3.5 dollars per monthAnnounced by Maduro, Cilia Flores wanted to send a “message of strength and unity” to the country's workers who took to the streets this Wednesday to demand better salaries.

As always, we see the president doing what he can, and how he always thinks of his own.Flores said.

Maduro, who attended the event, tried to defuse the situation by saying: “Chilita bites herself, she chews gum”Humor and trying to get back to normal.

Despite the incident, Flores' speech resumed without further setbacks, focusing on highlighting “solidarity” between the regime and the Venezuelan people.

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Maduro, picking up the thread, emphasized his wife's idea: “Well, we're one of you.”

The Chavista regime proposed a law this Wednesday Monthly Contribution of MerchantsIt is calculated according to the net income of pensioners who receive about 3.5 dollars at the official exchange rate, aiming to improve their income.

The Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) considers the increase announced by the Caribbean dictatorship of income generated by two bonuses that do not create labor responsibilities “pyretic” and “ridiculous” (EFE/Miguel Gutiérrez)

Meanwhile, Venezuela's main opposition coalition, the Democratic United Platform (PUD), considered “pyreic” and “mock”, the increase in income generated by two bonuses that did not create labor liabilities by Caribbean dictatorships.

Through X, the coalition expressed its “unwavering commitment” to workers' demand for fair wages and salariesLeave Nicolás Maduro's disastrous policies that increasingly impoverish the Venezuelan family“, is “clear” this Wednesday, “a pyrrhic announcement regarding wages, which is a new mockery of the worker's pocket.”

On the other hand, the PUD, on July 28, called on workers to “economicize” political change, “the main wish of the majority of Venezuelans,” when the presidential elections take place. It is a decisive step to restore the country's economy and wages.

This Wednesday, hundreds of workers rallied in Caracas and other areas to demand, among other things, a minimum wage equal to the price of a basic food basket, more than $550 a month for a family of five.

The Maduro regime's shock squad attacked a workers' march in Caracas

According to the preliminary tally of the Venezuelan Observatory of Social Conflict (OVCS), there were 36 protests during the day in 22 of the country's 23 states, where the main demand was “salary increases and not bonuses.”

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Public workers and opposition leaders also rejected Maduro's announcements through messages on X.

From March 2022, the minimum wage and pension will be 130 bolivars per month, at that time, at the official exchange rate, about 30 dollars, today 3.5 dollars, that is, they have been reduced by 88%. The US currency equivalent is used as a reference for setting prices in Venezuela.

(with information from EFE)