July 27, 2024

Brighton Journal

Complete News World

Beeper’s next iMessage fix for Android requires access to a Mac

Beeper’s next iMessage fix for Android requires access to a Mac

As of Sunday, 60% of Beeper users were unable to send or receive iMessage, The company’s upcoming Android solution It is “access to a Mac computer, or have a friend on Beeper who uses a Mac.”

Beeper’s iMessage solution works by sending “logging data” from a real Mac, with the company using its own fleet of Mac servers to do this.

Unfortunately, this proved to be an easy target for Apple because thousands of Beeper users were using the same registration data.

The new workaround involves iMessage for Android users creating their own registry data using a Mac. Beeper Cloud for macOS will be updated tomorrow to support this, with this data needing to be recreated periodically (once a week or month). It’s recommended that you keep your Mac turned on “regularly” if you go this route.

Please note that this update restores chatting on iMessage using your AppleID email, if you don’t currently have an iPhone number associated with your account.

For those who don’t have a Mac, Beeper advises asking friends “if you can use their registration data.” “10 to 20 iMessage users can safely use the same registration data,” the company says.

Regarding privacy, Pepper says:

Registration data is only used to indicate the availability of a Mac during registration. Under no circumstances is your Mac allowed to access your account or messages.

It’s also open source for the entire iMessage bridge and the “Mac code that creates the logging data” to provide Self-host alternative. “It works well, and in our tests, was very reliable,” says Beeper Ultimates.

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There is an inherent element of crowdsourcing to this solution, but it remains to be seen how sustainable it is and whether people using Macs will be willing to help others in this way. There’s also a certain response to Tim Cook’s famous “buy your mom an iPhone” comment. In 2022.

Apple previously said it would continue to release iMessage updates to combat Beeper. Apple’s iMessage redesign appears to be the long-term solution if this decline continues.

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