September 29, 2024

Brighton Journal

Complete News World

Congress recognized marital equality

Congress recognized marital equality

Chile’s Congress this Tuesday approved a bill that would historically allow same – sex marriage, which has been under review for more than four years and is one of the best options for the country’s LGTBI community.

The initiative was reviewed in the Lower House, where it was adopted in a memorable session with 82 votes in favor, 20 against and 2 abstentions, which ended in applause. Just hours before it was approved by the upper house, it received the support of 21 senators, 8 of whom voted against and 3 abstained.

The regulation allows marriages to be called same-sex unions Enables adoption as well And the connection of children with both parents is one of the main points of discussion.

The decision was celebrated by the country’s LGTBI organizations, which have been listening to parliamentary proceedings for weeks, and called for a celebration at Central Plaza Italia in Santiago this Tuesday.

“I’m very emotional. It’s a little hard for me to keep quiet. It was a multi – kilometer race,” said Isabel Amor, director of the Iguales Foundation and a member of Congress for the historic referendum.

“With the endorsement of same-sex marriage, Chile has taken a historic and decisive step towards promoting and integrating the human rights of same-sex couples and same-sex couples.”

This Tuesday’s session in the Chilean Senate is on equal marriage. Photo: REUTERS

The new rule modifies the Civil Code and other legal systems. It allows same-sex marriage and regulates the rights and obligations of those who celebrate it.

Conflicting issues

Differences over the connection between the houses of Congress that emerged last week, labor rights and the renewal of the Gender Identity Act forced the creation of a mixed commission, which was forced to convene on Monday. A new vote In both rooms.

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Chile is thus Eighth country in Latin America In legalizing same-sex marriage after several states in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Uruguay, Ecuador, Costa Rica and Mexico.

History of twists and turns

Equal marriage plan Introduced in 2017 Thanks to the inspiration of the former Socialist president Michael Bachelet (2014-2018) and was stagnant for almost four years.

Last July, a Surprising twist, Current president, right-wing Sebastian Pinera, “The time has come to approve the initiative and instruct Parliament to discuss it urgently.

The announcement fell like a jug of cold water among the most conservative sections of the right, who voted against it last week and extended the debate for another seven days.

Until now and since 2015, homosexuals have only had the legal form of the Civil Union Agreement (AUC), which does not recognize philanthropic rights.

Source: AFP and EFE