July 27, 2024

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Omigron variant significantly reduces antibodies produced by Pfizer vaccine: new study

Omigron variant significantly reduces antibodies produced by Pfizer vaccine: new study
Professor Alex Siegel and a team of scientists from the Africa Health Research Institute examined blood samples from 12 people who had previously been vaccinated with the Pfizer / Bioentech vaccine.

தற்போதையmicron dominates the current photo Covit-19 worldwide. Now South African scientists say that variation,Significantly reduces the antibody protection produced by the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine, Although Recovering from the virus and receiving a booster shot will provide greater protection against serious illness.

The information from follows A little initial study Released on Tuesday, December 7th. Author Alex Sigel del Africa Health Research Institute And studied by a team of scientists Blood samples from 12 people previously vaccinated with the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine. They were looking at how antibodies produced by the vaccine could neutralize the new variant, i.e., Inhibiting the ability to infect cells.

The investigation found A fall 41 times In the ability of antibodies to neutralize variance OmigronDramatic reduction in its effectiveness against the original ancestral strain and other variants compared to the original virus. These findings are on the front axis of a study that has not yet been reviewed.

"In the first #Omicron Neutralization Laboratory it emerged from sigallab.  Great reduction in the neutralization of the Omigron variant with the Pfizer vaccine", Eric Feigel-Ding, epidemiologist and health economist, cites research by Alex Sigalin of the African Health Research Institute.
“In the first #Omicron neutralization laboratory study, it came out of @sigallab. Major reductions in the neutralization of the Omicron variant by the Pfizer vaccine,” said Eric Feigel-Ding, epidemiologist and health economist at Alex’s Sigal Africa Health Research Institute.

Vaccine-induced antibodies have tripled their ability to neutralize previous beta variants previously dominated in South Africa, suggesting that Ómicron is far better at avoiding protection.

“The results we present here with Omicron show a much broader discharge than the beta variant. Following a vaccine or booster is likely to increase the level of neutralization of previous infections and provide protection against severe infections in the Omicron infection,” the researchers wrote.

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The study did the analysis 14 plasma samples from 12 people who were vaccinated, 6 of whom were previously infected. Because of the urgency of the epidemics, scientists have been making their coveted research available before embarking on a comprehensive peer review process.

In the study, they found a 41-fold decrease in the ability of antibodies to neutralize the omigran variant compared to the original virus, with a dramatic reduction in their effectiveness against the mutation of the original ancestor and other variants.
In the study, they found a 41-fold decrease in the ability of antibodies to neutralize the omigran variant compared to the original virus, with a dramatic reduction in their effectiveness against the mutation of the original ancestor and other variants.

Dr. Paul Afid, Professor of Pediatrics, Department of Infectious Diseases, Children’s Hospital, Philadelphia, reports data Those who are fully vaccinated may be at increased risk for milder omega-3 infections compared to previous variants. “I think there will be more protection against serious diseases“Afid said.” I think in either the vaccine or the natural infection or both. You will be protected from serious diseases, ”he added.

Administrative director Pfizer, Albert Borla, said Tuesday The company could develop a vaccine targeting Ómicron by March 2022 if needed. Bourla said it would take a few weeks to obtain definitive data on whether current vaccines provide adequate protection against the variant. The CEO of Pfizer had said that the protection provided by the company’s two-dose vaccine would be somewhat reduced against Omicron.

South African scientists also discovered this Ómicron binds to the same receptor called ACE2 to infect human lung cells using previous variants.

Omigron, first detected in South Africa, contains dozens of mutations that usually make viruses highly contagious. White House Chief Medical Adviser Dr Anthony Fauzi told reporters during a Cowit conference at the White House on Tuesday that South Africa’s data on new omigran infections.Clearly indicates high conductivity. Although he said over the weekend that the first reports were encouraging, Fauci added that decisions on whether Ómicron causes the most serious illness could be made very soon.

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The South African Medical Research Council, in a report released on Saturday, found that most patients admitted to Pretoria Hospital with covid disease do not need extra oxygen, which is common in previous infections. Many patients in COVID-19 wards have been hospitalized for other reasons, the report said.

The new variant forced us to reconsider the timing of booster doses
The new variant forced us to reconsider the timing of booster doses

The Ffizer CEO said earlier Tuesday that a variant that spreads quickly but causes mild symptoms is not good news.

“I don’t think having good news is something that spreads fast.” Borla told The Wall Street Journal during an interview at the newspaper’s council summit. “If it spreads fast it will be in billions of people and another mutation could occur. You don’t want it,” he concluded.

The new variant forced us to reconsider the timing of booster doses. As the immune system weakens, additional doses improve safety. But the real potential for undoing the new mutation is unknown.

Data from Israel and the United Kingdom indicate that The booster dose of one of the most widely used MRNA-based vaccines dramatically reduces a person’s chances of contracting SARS-CoV-2. Several months later, Israel became the first country in the world to make reinforcements available to all, and its daily litigation count is low.

However, according to the magazine Natural, “Before the advent of Omicron, many global health researchers opposed widespread booster campaigns, while immunization rates remained very low. Large parts of the world.

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