September 28, 2024

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Daniel Noboa criticizes Bugel, Pedro and Miley and chooses the Latin American president who most impresses him.

Daniel Noboa criticizes Bugel, Pedro and Miley and chooses the Latin American president who most impresses him.
Ecuador’s president, Daniel Noboa (EFE/Julio Estrella)

President of Ecuador Daniel NobowaThe Latin American president thinks it’s Brazilian who he thinks he’s most connected to Luis Inacio Lula da SilvaWhen he sees the Colombian Gustavo Pedro as “A left winger“, to Salvadoran Naib Bukhele as “Arrogant” and to Argentina Javier Mwhole of himself“, according to a report published by the American magazine this Monday New Yorker.

The report, once prepared A series of various meetings With Noboa between March and April, he is a A profile of Latin America’s youngest presidentThe A sense of yourself In the declared “war” against organized crime gangs and Impression of his peers in the region. A press note from a journalist who followed him during that period.

When asked about the current Latin American president with whom he most identifies, Noboa named her Lula He recalled meeting the president 15 years ago in Mexico during a meeting of businessmen. Carlos Slim.

Noboa said he sees Colombian Gustavo Pedro as a “leftist snob” (EFE/Ernesto Guzmán).

About PetroThis is how the Ecuadorian ruler described the Colombian president.A left winger“, even if he agrees “He’s smart, but he doesn’t do anything”.

About mlNoboa also considered until now Showed no merit as president. “Not sure why he thinks it’s so cool. He did not achieve anything after assuming office as President. He seems to be stuffing himself as very Argentinian.Novoa said of Argentina’s leader, according to reports cited New Yorker.

By specifying BugleRepeatedly compared to him for his pioneering policy against criminal gangs and the militarization of prisons, Novoa promised, in words quoted by the magazine, “The boy is arrogant and only seeks to control power for himself and make his family rich”.

Novoa opined about Miley: “I don’t know why he thinks she’s so beautiful. He did not achieve anything after assuming office as President. He looks very Argentinian” (EFE/Borja Sánchez-Trillo

Noboa, who attended the presidential inaugurations of both Milei and Bukele, has tried to distance himself from comparisons to the Salvadoran president by arguing that his government program has more axes to grind than security and the fight against organized crime mafias.

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Recalling that Buchelle referred to himself as “the best dictator in the world” on social networks, the president of Ecuador is “yes, but from a country the size of Guayas (Ecuador’s coastal province)” noted Guayaquil.

About the President of Chile Gabriel BoricNoboa considered “Everything seems fine (with him).“But step New Yorker He regretted that Corset is by his far-left partners. “It’s a problem I don’t have,” the Ecuadorian president said.

Of Naib Bukhel, Noboa said: “The boy is arrogant and only seeks to control power for himself and make his family rich” (EFE/Bienvenido Velasco)

Ecuador will be the headquarters Ibero-American SummitA meeting place between the region’s heads of state and government, the host country should invite them to travel to the southern Andean city of Cuenca.

The Noboa administration’s foreign policy has been strongly marked by the raid on the Mexican embassy in Quito in April to arrest Rafael Correa’s (2007-2017) vice president, Jorge Glass. An episode in which Mexico severed ties with Ecuador by a judge.

(with information from EFE)