Barry Keoghan smiled from ear to ear when Andrea Arnold's latest film, "Bird," received a seven-minute standing ovation at its...
Adam Driver, Mayim Bialik, Tom Waits, Charlotte Rampling, Indya Moore, and Luka Sabbat have joined the cast of Jim Jarmusch's...
Gayle King knows she can pull off a swimsuit — and she owns it Sports Illustrated A cover to prove...
Charlene Yee alleged that they were "physically assaulted multiple times by an actor, as well as psychological abuse" while filming...
CNN — Buckingham Palace unveiled the first official portrait of King Charles III since his coronation on Tuesday, and it...
1 hour agoImage source, Getty ImagesComment on the photo, Miss USA 2023 Uma Sofia Srivastava (left) and Miss USA 2023...
David Sanborn, whose fervent flourishes on the alto saxophone earned him six Grammy Awards, eight gold albums and one platinum...
The latest headlines from our reporters across the US sent straight to your inbox every weekdayBriefing you on the latest...
KTLA There has been an outpouring of love over the past few days following the sudden death of KTLA entertainment...
George Clooney Diya Dibasobil/Getty Images George Clooney will make his acting and playwriting debut on Broadway next spring in a...