July 27, 2024

Brighton Journal

Complete News World

IDF warplanes strike Hezbollah terrorist infrastructure in southern Lebanon

IDF warplanes strike Hezbollah terrorist infrastructure in southern Lebanon
Israeli strikes on Hezbollah (Video: IDF)

Israel Defense Forces fighter jet (IDF) was attacked this Tuesday Terrorist infrastructures of Hezbollah In the village of Gila in the south Lebanon.

The IDF also said An Air Force aircraft attacked the drone missile team In southern Lebanon.

In addition to warnings in the north of the country, the military described “several launches from Lebanese territory” as detected. Malachi and Peta”.

Israeli strikes on Hezbollah (Video: IDF)

“After a warning of enemy aircraft infiltration, they launched Interceptors against various hostile air targets A person who moved from Lebanese territory to Israeli territory. A fallout was detected at a site in the north of the country, with no damage or casualties,” said the IDF, which is currently attacking sources of fire with artillery.

On the other hand, the brigade combat groups of the 98th Division expanded their operations in depth. Khan Younis They conducted “attacks” that were About 40 terrorists were killed”.

The army added that “various types of weapons and critical wells” were located.

IDF “Selective Test” At a military compound in Khan Yunis, they found an armed militant AK-47 rifle and five bulletsThey killed him.

Israeli strikes on Hezbollah (Video: IDF)

In an operation at the Enclave Center, a refugee camp MahajiAn Israeli fighter jet “killed terrorist group” Central camps brigade of the terrorist group Hamas.

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“The Israeli navy also attacked Military positions, storage facilities and ships was used by Hamas marines,” a military statement said.

The Israeli army is now focusing its offensive In the center and south of the areaIt expanded its ground operations in early December, breaking the only ceasefire so far between Israel and Hamas, allowing a hostage exchange for Palestinian prisoners.

He Military SpeakerHe Rear Admiral Daniel HagariThey announced Monday night that they will start soon “New Level” in battle less intenseFewer and fewer troops on the ground Air strikesMore attention Selected Activities basically intelligence.

In this screenshot taken from a video released on January 8, 2024, Israeli soldiers operate in what is referred to as the Gaza Strip amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas. Manual via Israel Defense Forces/REUTERS

“Terrorist agents and weapons are still present in northern Gaza, but they are not operating within an organized military structure, we are now operating in a different way and with a different combination of forces,” the spokesman explained.

However, Hagari cautioned that in the center and south of the enclave, operational activity still exists “Intense and Complicated” The fight will continue in 2024.

(with information from EFE)