July 27, 2024

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Israel Bombs Nuiserat Refugee Camp in Gaza | In the last day, 63 people died in Palestine

Israel Bombs Nuiserat Refugee Camp in Gaza |  In the last day, 63 people died in Palestine

The Israeli army launched a ground offensive on ThursdayWith air and naval support, In the Nusirat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip, the Islamist group Hamas is engaged in a counter-offer to the cease-fire accord after rejecting most of the Israeli demands included in the latest draft. Israel is on high alert after Iran threatened to retaliate for last week's bombing of its embassy in Syria.

Army tanks at Nuiserat

These attacks were concentrated at Nusirat At least five people were killed in early morning Israeli shelling of a school and a residential building. At least six people were killed in an attack on the popular market of Firas in the devastated city of Gaza. “Army tanks penetrated the northern part of Nusirat supported by airstrikes by war helicopters,” the Palestinian agency Wafa reported. The vehicles destroyed many residential buildings in Zahra area.

The Israeli navy struck “civilian homes” in the coastal refugee camp of Al Shadi west of Gaza City, local sources said, causing an unknown number of casualties. A statement confirmed that the Israeli military carried out a “precise” ground operation, based on information from intelligence services, at the Nusirat camp, where Hamas fighters and infrastructure were killed.

63 people have died in Gaza in the last 24 hours, which brings the total number of deaths since the beginning of the war to 33,545 deaths. For its part, the United Nations child protection agency UNICEF announced this Thursday that one of its trucks was attacked at a designated waiting point for aid convoys as it waited to cross an Israeli military checkpoint in the northern Wadi Gaza. Accommodation

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh's three children and four grandchildren were killed in an Israeli airstrike in Gaza on Wednesday., a resident of Qatar. Haniyeh insisted that his sons' deaths would not affect the group's position in negotiations for a ceasefire and the release of hostages in Cairo. “Our demands are clear and they will not change,” the Hamas leader said.

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Gaza was pushed into the rubble and many more bodies are feared under the rubble. The Palestinian enclave is under Israeli siege, depriving its nearly 2.4 million people of food, water, fuel, medicine and other basic supplies, who rely on trucks for aid. On Thursday, the UN The Security Council urged more to be done to address the “catastrophic humanitarian situation” in Gaza.

But the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), the Israeli military authority responsible for the Palestinian territories, blamed the United Nations on Thursday for the delay in aid delivery. “We extended the crossing time and expanded our capabilities,” COGAT X said in a message posted on the social network, urging the United Nations that “the sanctions are not on the Israeli side” and “do its job.”

A counteroffer from Hamas

Outside the Palestinian territories, talks continue for a possible cease-fire agreement Hamas According to Palestinian sources, there is no return to the negotiating table in Cairo. The group does Egypt and Qatar will prepare a new document with a counter offer to the mediatorsAfter rejecting a proposal by the United States to allow the release of 40 hostages in Gaza in exchange for a temporary ceasefire of at least six weeks and the release of 900 Palestinian prisoners.

Palestinian sources did not elaborate on the 40 Israeli hostages held by Hamas who were part of the exchange. But US network CNN, citing an Israeli source and another close to the talks, says Hamas says it cannot identify and capture 40 of the 133 hostages still held captive (many of whom may have died).

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“It cannot be that they are going to hell there (in Gaza) to die in captivity. There must be faith. Will they be given the freedom that was so brutally taken away from them?“This Jupiter begged Afri Bibas LevyThe sister of Yarden Bibas, who was abducted along with his wife and two children since the Nir Oz kibbutz was attacked by Hamas on October 7.

According to Palestinian sources, the four demands that Hamas has been asking for months are a definitive ceasefire, the complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza, the return of humanitarian aid and displaced people to the north, and a phased prisoner exchange to ensure a complete “proportionate” release.

US President Joe Biden has pushed ahead with a proposed proposal by Hamas and increased pressure on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to accept a ceasefire and suspend plans to occupy Rafah, a city in southern Gaza. Public. There, Israel killed a Hamas official this Thursday, identified as Nasser Yaacob Jaber Nasser, who “transferred hundreds of thousands of dollars to Hamas for its military operations,” according to a military statement.

Alert to Iranian threats

The more than six-month-old war between Israel and the Palestinian Islamic Movement has created new tensions in the region. The United States warned of the risk of attacks by Iran or its affiliated groups in the Middle East (Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen).In response to the bombing of the Tehran embassy in Damascus, in which seven Revolutionary Guards died on April 1, two of them commanders.

On Wednesday, Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, again publicly threatened Israel, saying “it will be punished” if it does not claim responsibility for the attack on the Iranian embassy. Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz responded that “if Iran attacks from its border, Israel will retaliate and attack Iran.”

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US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken called on China, Turkey and Saudi Arabia to pressure Iran to stop attacking Israel. In agreement, Russia and Germany called for restraint on Thursday to avoid escalation in the Middle East. There, pro-Iranian groups carry out attacks against Israel and US targets in support of Hamas. Israel, for its part, has intensified its attacks in Syria, where it has hit pro-Iranian groups such as Lebanese Hezbollah and Iranian military targets.

“We are in the middle of a war in Gaza that continues at full speed, but we are preparing to face challenges in other situations,” he said. NetanyahuAdded by: “We are ready for both defense and attack”. In Jerusalem, thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews began fresh protests in front of a military recruitment office this Thursday, protesting a Supreme Court ruling forcing them to be drafted.

The ultra-Orthodox and Israeli Arabs are groups exempt from compulsory military service. Both make up about 30 percent of the total male population. However, the development of Israel's military offensive in the Gaza Strip has brought back into public debate the controversial exemptions that members of the ultra-Orthodox community have enjoyed for years. Opponents say they are ready to die before recruiting.