July 27, 2024

Brighton Journal

Complete News World

Israel Defense Forces intensified bombing in Gaza and hit Hamas terror targets

Israel Defense Forces intensified bombing in Gaza and hit Hamas terror targets

Israel replaces foreign minister

Israel's current energy minister, Israel Katz, is set to replace Eli Cohen (EFE) as the new foreign minister.

Politician Israel Katz, Israel's current energy minister, will replace Eli Cohen as the new foreign minister, a move that comes amid international criticism of the Israeli offensive.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government agreed on Sunday to the transition, which comes a year after the current administration was formed, as part of an internal rotation deal the president's party, Likud, signed last year.

Cohen will take over from Kate in the energy portfolio, although he will remain in Israel's defense cabinet, according to a government statement.

The transfer is subject to approval by the Knesset, the Israeli parliament, in which the right-wing government coalition holds 64 of the 120 seats.

Netanyahu defends Israel's unparalleled 'morality' in Gaza war

The Israeli prime minister affirmed that Israel had shown unprecedented “discipline” in the Gaza war and rejected South Africa's accusation that it had engaged in acts of “genocide” in the Palestinian territory.

“We will continue our defensive war, the justice and morality of which is unparalleled,” Netanyahu told a cabinet meeting in Tel Aviv.

US military sinks three Houthi ships that attacked container ship in Red Sea

US Navy helicopters have sunk three ships of Yemen's Houthi rebels that attacked a container ship in the Red Sea.

After the Houthis opened fire on US helicopters, they “retaliated defensively, sinking three of four small vessels and killing the crew,” the US Central Command for the Middle East (CENTCOM) said in a statement. A fourth boat “fled the area.”

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Hamas death toll in Gaza rises to 21,822

The health ministry in Hamas-ruled Gaza raised the death toll to 21,822 since the offensive began on October 7.

At least 150 people have been killed and 286 injured in the past 24 hours, according to the source, bringing the total to 56,451 since the outbreak of war.

The Israeli foreign minister admitted that the government was “responsible” for the October 7 attacks

Eli Cohen said the government was “responsible” for the attacks carried out by Hamas on October 7 and suggested that an independent commission should be formed to investigate the war after the end.

“The government has a responsibility. And, in my opinion, at the end of the war, an independent state commission of inquiry should be created to examine all the different factors,” he said in an interview with 'Maariv'.

For Cohen, it's about looking at “who was responsible, who failed, who should be held accountable” for what happened that day. “But the most important thing is that they make recommendations to guarantee that an event as dire as what happened on October 7 will not happen again,” he declared.

The commission “must act as quickly as possible” and “have the most serious and independent people”, while having the necessary skills to control all military and political factors, he added.

Israel Defense Forces intensified bombing in Gaza and hit Hamas terror targets

Israel Defense Forces intensified bombing in Gaza and hit Hamas terror targets. (Reuters)

The Israeli Air Force carried out a series of bombings in Gaza Strip, in parallel with underground operations. According to reports from the Defense Forces (IDF), the targets hit included Hamas military facilities, a tunnel and various infrastructure.

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The Israeli Navy also carried out operations along the Gaza Strip in support of ground forces' operations. In an incident south of the city LoopThe IDF said a group of four Hamas men armed with explosives approached Israeli troops, targeted by an airstrike.

Shortly after, another group of four Hamas members was spotted and attacked by Israeli aircraft in the same area. Similarly, a vehicle carrying several terrorists towards Israeli forces was targeted.

In another incident, an Israeli Air Force (IAF) fighter jet struck a building in Gaza from which an explosive device was detonated against Israeli troops, the IDF said.

In Pete Lahia, North of Gaza, troops of the 551st Brigade observed three Hamas figures entering a building and ordered an airstrike in response.

Netanyahu vowed to regain control of the Gaza border with Egypt and that the war against Hamas would last months.

Netanyahu vowed to regain control of the Gaza border with Egypt and that the war against Hamas would last for months. (Europe Press)

Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin NetanyahuHe promised to regain full control of the border between Gaza Strip and Egypt, as part of a broader strategy to counter terrorism Hamas In a conflict, according to his words, will last several months.

Netanyahu declared that the conflict was at a critical point and stressed the need for Israel to control the buffer zone along the Philadelphia Corridor that runs along Gaza's border with Egypt.

“Closing this area is essential,” Netanyahu said, arguing that no alternative deal would ensure the demilitarization of the State of Israel.

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During a press conference, the Israeli Prime Minister reaffirmed that the current military operations will be extended for a considerable period.

“The operation against Hamas will continue for months until its neutrality is achieved and the hostages are released,” Netanyahu promised, pledging to eliminate the threat that Gaza represents to Israel.

War without a cease-fire: Israel and Hamas face off against each other.

As Gazans struggle to survive amid rubble and forced displacement, anguish in Israel grows over the terror group still holding hostages.

War without a ceasefire: Israel and Hamas face each other at the end of a bloody year with no prospect of peace. (AFP/JACK GUEZ)

The Israelis and Palestinians reached an agreement At the end of the year After a war unleashed by a bloody attack by Hamas, this Sunday was dark with no prospect of an end to the fighting. Israel Against Gaza.