July 27, 2024

Brighton Journal

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Israel Defense Forces neutralized four other Hezbollah military positions in Lebanon

Israel Defense Forces neutralized four other Hezbollah military positions in Lebanon
New day of clashes between Israel and Hezbollah on northern border: IDF neutralizes four terror positions (Photo: Europa Press)
Europa Press

Army Israel and Lebanese militias Hezbollah This Saturday they maintained a new daily crossing of the northern border, eliminating four terrorist targets. Precisely, the security forces confirmed that its aviation has successfully reached two observation posts of the Shiite terrorist group in Marwahin and Ayda Ash Shab, and a military command center with militants in Yaron, south – and missile rockets.

They added that the attack was in response to Hezbollah's earlier maneuver against Israel, which occurred “throughout the day” and involved “three attacks from Lebanon, which hit the open areas of Baram and Zarith.” The army said there were no injuries.

A similar incident occurred earlier in the day when gunfire and several rockets hit the northern Israeli areas of Avivim and Yiron, followed by attacks on a Hezbollah military base in Blita and a truck in Kafar. Shuba – in southern Lebanon – where weapons are stored.

The movement has been repeated almost daily since the war between Israel and Hamas began in October. When war broke out between Israel and Hamas, Hezbollah added this new front as a sign of support for Palestinian militants.

Hezbollah maintains its daily attacks on Israel (AP).AP

However, Tel Aviv has expressed its desire to avoid escalating the conflict in the region, which is why it is advocating a diplomatic route to resolve the crossroad on the northern border instead of advancing in the region. However, the opposing side is not ready to stop its attacks and intensifying them increases the risk of conflict.

In that vein, this week Israel's Defense Minister, Yoav GallantHe reiterated that his troops were “ready and prepared for a campaign in the North” and added that “the time will come.” Our patience runs out and we have to act forcefully To impose peace on the northern border, (…) to change the security situation and for the safety of Israeli citizens. “While this will be complicated for Israel,” he said, it will be “disastrous for Hezbollah and Lebanon.”

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In the past he has told the Lebanese people that images of the military's progress in Gaza could easily be replicated in Beirut.

Gallant warns that ceasefire with Hamas will not end attacks on Lebanon (Europe Press)
Europa Press

On the other hand, during the discussion A A new possible ceasefire between Hamas and IsraelIn exchange for an end to attacks on Palestinian territory, which included the release of hostages still in enemy hands, Gallant hoped it would not end the fighting on the northern border.

“If Hezbollah thinks that if there is a pause in the fighting in the south (Gaza) that we will stop shooting at them, they are very wrong,” he concluded after meeting with troops on Mount Herman in the Golan Heights.

Since the attacks on this front began, more than 230 people have already died, most of them Lebanese Shiite terrorists; In fact, the group confirmed at least 176 casualties among its ranks. 20 Palestinian militants, one soldier and 24 civilians were killed. Meanwhile, the Israeli side has lost 18 lives, including 12 soldiers and 6 civilians.

(with information from EFE)