March 18, 2025

Brighton Journal

Complete News World

Israel: Netanyahu urged to negotiate with Hamas now | A tense silence in Jerusalem and a history of suppressed protests in Tel Aviv

Israel: Netanyahu urged to negotiate with Hamas now |  A tense silence in Jerusalem and a history of suppressed protests in Tel Aviv

From Jerusalem

The plane lands in Tel Aviv and everyone rises from their seats and stands fifteen meters in front. A girl started screaming like she was going to cut her throat. There is a great commotion on the ship, she shouts and many leaps to shake off a large man. A terrorist attack? False Alarm: Two muscle men fight over who went first. Relieving grief.

The highway to Jerusalem is lined with electricity poles flagged with the Star of David. It is also seen in cars and an 8-story building where the national flag descends from terrace to floor; And in the apothecary, the pub, and a religious man with two curls wearing a cape. It roams hotels, corporate buildings and police cars carrying it on a stick nailed to the bumper. In a square, a man plays a piano that is strangely fixed on the floor in the open air: a vine emerges from his sleeve, which makes him uncomfortable to play, but he doesn’t care. The mystical influence that produced the eight crusaders is a city that exudes nationalism.

Interior views

The old town with the Holy Sepulcher meters from the western wall is very quiet, almost deserted. Where there are always hours-long lines in front of the small tomb where Jesus is resurrected, one can enter and exit as many times as one likes without waiting. Some have the luxury of praying there until they are exhausted. And everywhere there is a majestic silence, which bores the sellers of the stone-floored shops. But still Everyone knows this is a false peaceWestern Palestinians die by the hundreds and Israelis by the units of 75 kilometers (10 Palestinian children and 10 women killed in Jabaliya today). Everyone knows that a little catalyst can spoil this monastic calm of the city, which today is enhanced by the Sabbath and the lack of tourists.

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Under the arch of the Zion Gate—built by Suleiman the Magnificent in 1540—an Orthodox Jew enters the Holy City of Monotheism in a long sports jacket like a teshabile, pushing a stroller with his baby while a mother and two children follow behind. : On his back hangs a Made in USA model M-16 machine gun with a single sight and a rate of fire of 950 rounds per minute. The display repeats itself every 10 minutes on average: A father with a gun – sometimes a pistol is added to his hip – child and wife.

Hit the streets

Like every Saturday, today is a rallying point in Jerusalem, with thousands marching to Paris Square. Posters were put up demanding the resignation of the Prime Minister Benjamin “BB” Netanyahu, who is responsible for many things, including the failure to release hostages unwilling to negotiate with Hamas. That is why they are asking for new elections.

In full mobilization – between snare drums and drums – Gershan Benshaha steps away from the crowd to speak. Page 12. He is 82 years old and you have to speak loudly in his ear on his speaker. She wears a T-shirt with a photo of a hostage kidnapped by Hamas: Caramel God (age 39) and her student in the psychology chair at Hebron University. The stamped slogan was “Bring her home now”.

Like a good teacher, he sums up his position in one paragraph: ”Our government is making us worse and worse; Its role is to do more damage in security aspects, economy and international relations, even with our best friends like USA. We need to get this government off our backs; The struggle to free the hostages is like ousting the government. It is clear that the longer he rules us, the longer there will be no agreement for liberation. That is why we need to stop the war, free the hostages and think about the future: Americans, Western European countries and Arab countries offer us some kind of friendship or partnership after the Gaza issue. War. We should accept it rather than reject it. “Netanyahu is not going to do what we have to do.”

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Should Hamas and Netanyahu be with each other?

–Yes at some point; But they are enemies Netanyahu is only interested in the continuation of his government, for which he must continue the war and pay the price; But we all pay that price. He wants war because his government consists of right-wing nationalist extremists who will not accept any peace with Palestine. And Bibi depends on them, they are cruel, cruel partners who are criminals and he brought them into the government. In the past we ignored those people because they were all fanatics. If Netanyahu accepts a deal with Hamas or the Palestinian Authority, they will leave the government and it will fall. I believe that the future of Gaza will be some form of Palestinian government with the help of other Arab countries and the West. It was offered to Netanyahu a long time ago, and he promptly rejected it. He never agreed to talk about Palestinian power in Gaza. He is a selfish person who only cares about his own welfare. He is pending trial; If he resigns, he can be prosecuted.

Mass mobilizations were repeated in almost all cities of the country, the largest of which was police repression, including attacks with water cannons in Tel Aviv.

A threatening minister

Netanyahu’s situation became more complicated this Saturday: the war cabinet minister, Benny Gantz, threatened to abandon the emergency government if the Israeli prime minister did not agree on a plan for post-war Gaza by June 8, including who would rule it. In a televised message, Gantz demanded that the war cabinet – made up of Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant – draw up a plan or else his centrist party would leave the coalition within three weeks. “Something deeply broken in the way Israel’s leaders conduct war.” Gantz said that “a minority” is “capturing an Israeli ship and sailing against a rock wall”. Gantz called on Netanyahu to choose “national interest over personal interest”, warning that he would be forced out if he “chooses the path of fanatics and leads the entire state into the abyss”.

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The Israeli prime minister responded with a cryptic message to Gantz, in which he described his demands as “insults” that sought to cover up Israel’s defeat. “The meaning is clear: the end of the war, the defeat of Israel and the release of most of the hostages, leaving Hamas intact and establishing a Palestinian state,” Netanyahu said.

The right-wing leader in Israel’s government is increasingly losing internal and external support, straining its ties with the US will narrow its room for maneuver and if it finds itself cornered, its reaction will be unpredictable. She could become more violent — leading her country down a dead end and spiraling upward — or agree to sign an “uncomfortable” peace that opens the door to prison.