March 15, 2025

Brighton Journal

Complete News World

Javier Millay’s president confirmed that Argentina would sign on to join the OECD.

Javier Millay’s president confirmed that Argentina would sign on to join the OECD.

Javier Miele’s brand new principal, Diana Mondino, Confirmed to sign tomorrow to join Argentina Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), as expected TN.

Mondino made the announcement at an event that took place minutes after Javier Millay made his first speech on the steps of the National Congress.

read more: Javier Mili’s government is already preparing the way for Argentina to enter the OECD

With this announcement, the current government reiterates one of its foreign policy objectives and resumes a process that took place after rejecting entry into the BRICS (an alliance of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). Started during Maurizio Macri’s mandate.

Macri called for Argentina to join the OECD in March 2016, but that intention did not proceed during Alberto Fernández’s mandate, despite formalizing a call to join the organization at the end of January 2022.

Marcelo Scaglione, Argentina’s representative to the OECD during the Macri government, he was in charge of relaunching Argentina’s agenda to enter the bloc, which includes major global powers and many developing countries.

Ambassador of Argentina He was looking forward to Miley’s status as she continued the process of entering the camp In meetings with Latin American and Caribbean leaders of the Directorate of Global Relations, Jose Antonio Artavin, and with Andreas Schall, Director of Relations and Cooperation at the Institute and Sherpa at the G7 and G20. “ODCE is back! Thank you, Secretary General @MathiasCormann,” Scaglione celebrated on his social networks.

Although the signing will take place this Monday – according to Mondino’s reports –The process of integrating the OECD may take several years: It includes an assessment of more than 20 technical groups on a series of standards, particularly economics and “changes in law, policies and practices”.

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Since its creation, the OECD has incorporated 18 countries into its framework and so far only four are from Latin America (Mexico, Chile, Colombia and Costa Rica). In 2022, an invitation to extended membership was also extended to Argentina. Brazil, Croatia, Peru, Romania and Bulgaria.

What is OECD?

It is an international organization established in 1961 with headquarters in Paris whose mission is to provide a forum where different governments can share their experiences. Development of economic, social and environmental policies, improving quality of life in their population.

Objectives of the Company:

  • establishing universal principles of economic development;
  • Elaborate policies that contribute to the growth, full employment and quality of life and development of member countries;
  • Accelerating international trade;
  • Research, publish and collect statistics on economic and social development, finance, tax, global trade, scientific and technological issues, etc.

What benefits would Argentina receive from joining the OECD?

Membership in the OECD may allow Argentina To attract foreign investments Using the company’s experience to adopt the organization’s standards Implementation of structural reforms; Have greater visibility and compare data with other members of the group.

read more: The EU-Mercosur deal has cooled, and now Milei aims to negotiate with Paraguay, which will be signed in 2024.

A statement PWC Being part of the OECD will help “deepen Business relationships Together with other member states, they can stimulate economic growth while partnering with higher average incomes to “expand the supply of exportable goods and services.” When conforming to statistical standards Transparency And Anti-corruption They will increase credibility and confidence in the country.

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