Microsoft works with Volkswagen To bring augmented reality to cars via the new “Moving Platform” mode for Hololens 2.
Neither company goes into the exact details of how this will work, but there are some indications of what to expect. Microsoft, for example, said the “moving platform” could be used to train drivers how to handle adverse road conditions.
This is not about training drivers every day. Instead, focus, as with everything else in the HoloLens 2 . orbit is business and enterprise, which means that this platform can be used to train, for example, fleet drivers.
Enhanced with 3D models
Looking at photos of prototypes, the mode works by placing 3D models inside and outside the vehicle. You can only see it by wearing a HoloLens 2 Mixed Reality helmet. To navigate you will have a map of the route actually placed on top of the dashboard with an arrow pointing to where you want to go.
The HoloLens 2 It will also display a 3D pedestrian warning at crosswalks to tell you to be careful of people. It even tells you the temperature inside the car.
Microsoft tested a prototype of the Moving Platform by having Volkswagen researchers connect one of its vehicles to HoloLens. The Volkswagen team then worked with Microsoft, providing feedback on how the HoloLens Moving Platform could be improved.
This update depends on Microsoft’s current offering of the Moving Platform , which are supposed to be used on ships in the ocean. Ocean waves can disable the HoloLen 2, so the mode stabilizes the display of the device.
Microsoft doesn’t stop with cars and boats. There are plans to bring its mobile platform to “…elevators and trains, [and] other moving environments.
Rescue HoloLens
This new partnership with Volkswagen could be a way to breathe new life into the HoloLens project. I’ve been going through a turbulent time lately.
Back in early February 2022, HoloLens 3 has been cancelled . The problem was that no one knew the purpose of the headset, which may be the reason for some members of the HoloLens 3 Ship jumped To work with Meta on its metaverse projects.
With the Moving Platform Volkswagen partnership, though, Microsoft is cementing the goal of HoleLens 2 as a mixed reality tool for training and virtual information in a growing range of workplace scenarios. One can only hope that the HoloLens headphones and mobile platform will one day end up in educational classes for high school drivers, too.
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