February 15, 2025

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Pandora Papers: A force in support of former minister Dujow has issued warnings in the maritime world

Pandora Papers: A force in support of former minister Dujow has issued warnings in the maritime world
Nicholas Dujovne, when he was minister to Mauricio Macri.
Nicholas Dujovne, when he was minister to Mauricio Macri.

January 11, 2017. A day after Nicholas Dujowne took over as finance minister, warnings went into the Alemann, Cortero, Kalindo & Lee (alcoholic) money laundering study. The man who will manage the country’s economic conditions until the defeat of Mauricio Macri in the 2019 PASO, This is one of the records of this company which specializes in setting up companies in tax havens As a proxy for a maritime company.

Dujowne was named as one of the attorneys in an internal alcohol document dated August 18, 2016. Silverre Corporation, a company incorporated in Belize, whose shareholders are her parents Ferrado Dujovne and Sylvia Hirsch, Follows from Pandora DocumentsNew global investigation by the International Federation of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) in which Argentina participates Infobe, Next Nation And elDiarioAR.

Dujovne and his sisters have the power to appear, but it is not signed in the Pandora Papers documents.
Dujovne and his sisters have the power to appear, but it is not signed in the Pandora Papers documents.

About A public prosecutor in support of Nicholas Dujowne and his sisters – their signatures do not appear – so they can dispose of the property The sea The ride was made by her parents. This document enabled them to “operate in any and all countries of the world in relation to their business”. Other powers include “movable, immovable, securities, shares and / or securities currently held or purchased by the Company” and “open, maintenance, liquidation and / or close inspection and savings accounts in national and foreign banks, companies and institutions.” Pandora DocumentsNew global investigation by the International Federation of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) in which Argentina participates Infobe, Next Nation And elDiarioAR.

Dujowne assured the Argentine ICIJ group that the charter had not been signed. In other words, the former minister maintains it The sea His parents are there, but he does not accept the role of proxy.

Silver Corporation Five months before Dujowne took office, in August 2016 it merged with $ 1 per 50,000 shares. Alcohol issued two stock certificates in support of each of his parents, both architects, listed Beneficial owners – Equivalent to “owners” – as well as “directors”, the address of Buenos Aires and the address of Punta del Este. The Panamanian study registered them as “co-owners with the right to life”. An image that is often used when ordering an inheritance.

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For tax purposes, 100% of the shares (of Silver Corporation) are owned by his mother Sylvia. Nicholas is not the owner or end user of the company. The role of Nicholas’ parents is announced before the AFIP and is taxed each year accordinglyIts spokesman said. In 2016, Nicholas’ parents, considering their age, appointed their children as surrogates and asked them to draw the Alcohol Power of Attorney. However, it was never signed or implemented, so neither Nicolas nor his sisters were ultimately proxies for the company, ”he explained.

A Dujowne spokesman added, “There is no authority or any other law that has ever happened in this matter until it is signed. Later, the decision to step down from corporate management was later strengthened by the appointment of Nicholas as finance minister.He added.

“High risk” customer

However, five months after the signature of the unsigned lawyer appeared, an internal alcohol payroll referred to the then minister as a “proxy” for the company. Dujowne was part of a list prepared by the Panamanian study to track political exposure (PEP) and “high risk”., To protect themselves from legal issues they may face when dealing with clients who work with public officials or persons with high media exposure.

One day after taking office, Dujowne was added to a list of alcoholics entitled “PEP and High Risk” with 400 more characters. Alcohol from different parts of the world was forced to take various preventive measures as part of the research protocol. Dujowne appears at number 245 on that list, which is part of nearly 12 million files Pandora Documents. The former minister was identified as the “lawyer” of the Silver Corporation.

Alcohol Internal Revenue, where Dujovne was identified as PEP and "High risk" For taking charge as Finance Minister in 2016
Alcohol Internal Worksheet, where Dujovne PEP and “high risk” for taking charge as finance minister in 2016

In that internal form, the alcoholic told additional details about the former officer. In the column “Political Exposed Persons”, he wrote “Yes”; In the column on “Risk Level”, he gave it a “high” rating. Alcohol’s internal document Silver Corporation was still active – at least at the time of making this list – and the Uruguayan study RGS Consultants Dujovne served as the family’s spokesman.

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In the documents Pandora DocumentsThere is also a note sent by Alcohol to the study with the offices in Montevideo, As of August 29, 2016, the Panamanian law firm reports that it includes “the power of attorney granted in support of Nicholas Dujovne and his two sisters.”, And an invoice issued by Alcohol to RGS Consultants for registering Dujowne in Belize. The Panamanian law firm charged $ 600 for its services.

Alcohol sent a note to the Uruguayan mediator on August 29, 2016, citing the authority in support of former Minister Nicolas Dujovne, who promised that he would not finally sign.
Alcohol sent a note to the Uruguayan mediator on August 29, 2016, citing the authority in support of former Minister Nicolas Dujovne, who promised that he would not finally sign.

There are two more details in the list of 400 names drawn by Alcohol after Dujowne took office as finance minister. Lorena Vega, who is responsible for completing the information on that list, has identified herself as the laundry prevention supervisor of the Panamanian study. Another, in the “Comments / Actions” column, It mentioned: “Alerts implemented.”

“The power of attorney has never been granted – it is logical that it will never be signed – so it will not bind Nicholas, that account or any relationship with that company, except that it is about his parents’ property,” the former minister’s spokesman insisted.

Companies overseas

This is not the first time Dujovne has been mentioned in a line paradise. In his last statement as finance minister, the official notified various foreign companies to the Anti-Corruption Office.

Shares of Florentine Global listed on the British Virgin Islands for 58.8 million pesos declared an opaque and lower tax jurisdiction. It also announced a share in 2019 Jilim Company, A public limited company incorporated in Uruguay, which he has owned since 2016, with a value of 135,000 pesos.

At the end of 2019, when leaving the civil service, OA pre-assets, shares, titles and cash overseas $ 213 million, 77% of total assets. “All my money has been declared and is empty,” he argued earlier Infobe. When asked why he kept a large portion of his assets abroad despite being a Macri official, he replied: “I started to bring in a portion, but they ask me why I chose this bank, I decided to make less changes in my heritage to be a minister Or movements, at best.

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