The Office of the Ombudsman oversees the issuance of prisoners’ documents
Ruth Luk ruled on release
Congresswoman of the Compeo Democratico Bench – Together for Peru, Look at RuthHe promised that they would continue to secure the freedom of many of those detained UNMSM Last Saturday.
He wrote on his Twitter account, “We guarantee to provide unregistered ID and clothes in minutes. As already announced by the prosecutor’s office, only one person will be detained for having RQ.”
Several arrested yesterday in San Marcos are being released. We guarantee to provide unregistered ID and clothing in minutes. As the prosecutor’s office has already announced, only one person will be in custody for holding RQ. pic.twitter.com/bU7cD7sMWB
— Ruth Luque (@RuthLuqueIbarra) January 23, 2023
Ombudsman Daily Report
Blockades on National Highways: 78 blockade points (Source: Sudran, 3:30 pm)
Conflicts with law enforcement: 01 (La Joya, Arequipa)
Other situations of violence: – Attack on La Joya Police Station (Arequipa).
– Burning and damage to SENASA, SUNAT, PNP and migration offices in Yunguio (Puno).
Collective protest actions: Demonstrations, stoppages and/or roadblocks were recorded in 28 provinces, which is equivalent to 14.3% of the total number of provinces across the country.
– There are mobilizations and concentrations in 07 provinces: Andahuaylas, Chincheros, Acobamba, Huancavelica, Metropolitan Lima, Carabaya and Yunguyo.
– Suspension of activities registered in 02 provinces: Andahuaylas and Chincheros.
– Road blockades were reported in 23 provinces: Padre Abad, Pachitea, Huánuco, Ica, Andahuaylas, Calca, Urubamba, Quispicanchi, Canchis, Chumbivilcas, Melgar, Azángaro, Carabaya, Tahuamanu, Tambopata, Lampá, Huancané, Moho, Huancané , El Collao, Chucuito , Islay.
– A peace march was held in Iga. Calls announced by social organizations: – Demonstrations and concentrations: Lima (23-24/01)
– Stops: Pichanaki (June, 01/24) Cumulative statistics of deaths and injuries
– 45 civilians, in conflict
– 9 civilians, due to traffic accidents and blockade-related incidents
– 1 police officer, for acts of violence in the context of conflict
Injured: Total Injured: 772 as of 01/20/2023 (Source: Minsa)
– 2023 (January 1 to 20): 379 injured
– 2022 (December 07 to 31): 393 injured
Total injured: 442 police officers as of 01/10/2023 (Source: PNP)
– 2023 (January 04 to 10): 142 police officers were injured
– 2022 (December 07 to 18): 300 police officers injured
Sunat and settlement complexes were set on fire in Puno
Protesters torched the premises of Tsunad, Migration and the National Agricultural Health Service (SENASA) in Yunguyo city and province.Fist), a few meters from the border with Bolivia, the Peruvian National Police (PNP)
They also agree to habeas corpus proceedings against the general commander of police for “arbitrary detention” in San Marcos.
The appeal was presented by the National Human Rights Coordinator and the Institute for Legal Defense (IDL), which includes Interior Minister Vicente Romero.

Seventh Constitutional Court Superior Court of Lima He agreed to file a recruitment petition in favor of the prisoners during the intervention of the police. National University of San MarcosLast Saturday January 21st.
The ombudsman condemned the overcrowding
The Ombudsman The Department of Community Affairs condemned the overcrowding of detainees in San Marcos and coordinated “measures to provide them with food, medical care, and contact with their families and lawyers.”
MP orders release of women detained at UNMSM
Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Population (MIMP) announced that “case He ordered the release of all the remaining women dircote. Mimp experts keep up with the process.”
After giving his statement, The @fiscaliaperu He ordered the release of all the women staying in Tirkot. Mimp experts keep up with this process. https://t.co/x9zBcCczsz
– Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations (@MimpPeru) January 22, 2023
Those detained by the PNP in San Marcos begin to be released
Protesters detained by the PNP at UNMSM were released. Many of the Protestants were reunited with their families.
ANP continues to wait for the release of journalists
National Association of Journalists of Peru (ANP) condemned the detention of journalists in the intervention UNMSM They were not released after being deprived of their freedom for more than 24 hours.
The ombudsman asks for a writ of habeas corpus
The Ombudsman The Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos asked the judicial authorities to “dissolve in a timely manner” the habeas corpus issued by the detained population (UNMSM)
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