July 27, 2024

Brighton Journal

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Russia has threatened to send troops to Cuba and Venezuela if the US and NATO expand in Eastern Europe.

Russia has threatened to send troops to Cuba and Venezuela if the US and NATO expand in Eastern Europe.
Vladimir Putin, President of Russia (via Sputnik / Alexei Nikolsky / Kremlin REUTERS)

Russian Vice-Chancellor Sergei Rybkov, One of the highest-ranking diplomats in the government of Vladimir Putin, who led his country’s delegation to the talks in Geneva on Monday, warned on Thursday. If tensions with the United States escalate, the suspension of Russian troops in Cuba and Venezuela cannot be ruled out..

Talks in Geneva and meeting of NATO and Russia on Wednesday in Vienna Could not narrow the gap Moscow’s security demands as Russian troops concentrate near Ukraine. Considering the circumstances, Russia will now seek to exploit its full relationship with the dictatorships of Nicolas Maduro and Miguel Diaz-Connell..

He spoke in an interview with Russian television RTV, Rybkov noted “It all depends on the performance of our American colleagues“And the Russian president noted, Vladimir Putin, He warned his country The US could take technical-military action if it acts to “provoke” Russia and increase military pressure on the country.

Rybkov said the United States and NATO had rejected Russia’s key demand for guarantees to prevent the alliance from expanding to Ukraine and other former Soviet countries. Significant differences in attitudes raise questions about the possibility of continuing conversations.

Dictators of Nicaragua, Venezuela and Cuba Daniel Ortega, Nicolas Maduro and Miguel Diaz-Connell
Dictators of Nicaragua, Venezuela and Cuba Daniel Ortega, Nicolas Maduro and Miguel Diaz-Connell

Russia’s relations with Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua

Already in June last year, In the face of what has been described as “external threats”, Russia has reiterated its support for its allies in Latin America, mainly Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua..

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This was stated by the Russian Defense Minister General Sergei Shoiku, Who described relations with these countries as “historic”. The various pressures they are currently experiencing require them “more than ever” to help Moscow.

Although the Minister did not mention that These countries made a formal request for assistanceIn his speech at the International Security Conference in Moscow, “Threats“Affected by them, which includes potential”Explicit use of military forceAgainst those countries.

“It simply came to our notice then Linked to the production of illicit drugs and the permanent efforts to start various revolutions in those countriesShoi was told, according to the agency Toss News.

The mid-year reports came at a particularly important time Nicaragua, Was isolated internationally as a result of the actions of the government of Daniel Ortega, Who initiated a persecution against opposition candidates who included waves of arrests in addition to intimidation, threats and raids.

However, the alliance with Moscow is not new. In 2014, the president Putin paid a surprise visit to the Central American country, before which Ortega expressed his support for Russia In various regional conflicts, including Ukraine, And facing Western obstacles.

Those words came at a particularly difficult time in Cuba, After historic rallies against the regime on July 11 in the country.

Nicolas Maduro (via Sergei Sirikov / Pool REUTERS) with Vladimir Putin during a meeting in the Moscow Kremlin on September 25, 2019
Nicolas Maduro (via Sergei Sirikov / Pool REUTERS) with Vladimir Putin during a meeting in the Moscow Kremlin on September 25, 2019

In connection with Link between Russia and Venezuela, Moscow promised to strengthen military cooperation with the dictatorship of Nicolas Maduro.

Moscow compromise, One of the key allies of the Savista regime, It took place within the framework of a meeting held by foreign ministers last year. Sergei Lavrov Y George Areza, In the Russian capital.

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The United States has long monitored Russia’s presence in Venezuela. In August 2020, the Admiral Craig Fowler, Then Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Southern Command – which includes the Caribbean in its orbit – “The main force holding Nicolas Maduro in power is Russian influence”.

“I look at what Russia is doing with Venezuela in disseminating staff and misinformation.He added during a conference on Latin America Thought tank Atlantic Council.

Russia first became one of the largest political and business allies of the Hugo Chavez regime, and later Maduro. Moscow is Venezuela’s second largest debtor, after China, with an estimated $ 7.5 billion, according to local consulting firm Ecoanalitica.

Last March The Kremlin strengthened its support for the Venezuelan dictator Signed a dozen cooperation agreements in this regard Food, finance, energy, military, science, technology and mining.

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