July 27, 2024

Brighton Journal

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Russia-Ukraine conflict: “I think the worst is yet to come,” said Macron After talking to Putin about the invasion

Russia-Ukraine conflict: “I think the worst is yet to come,” said Macron  After talking to Putin about the invasion

From Paris

During the last telephone conversation between the French president and Russia, Ukraine agreed to open a humanitarian route. Emmanuel Macron And Russian Vladimir Putin, The doors of possible compromise were closed again. End of Phone Conversation Lab: “I think the worst has not yet come” And “Russia wants to keep the whole country under its control,” the head of state said briefly. The two leaders spoke for an hour and 45 minutes for the third time since the start of the conflict in Ukraine. Putin. At the end of the conversation, what some had guessed before the Russian invasion was confirmed. Putin told Macron he was leaving, according to Paris “Until the end”. This was announced by a group close to the President of France Putin “showed his commitment” and “nothing he said today can guarantee us”.

It then means “until the end” and “the end” means complete control of Ukraine. This option is far from the horizon initially calculated on the basis of two scenarios: limited activity aimed at strengthening Russia’s presence in the two independent republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, followed by an administrative strengthening territory and, later, an interest work to run the presidency of Ukraine. Volodymyr Zhelensky Transfer it to another remotely controlled from Moscow. Configuration provided Very different and This is more similar to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (1979-1989) than the rapid war in limited territories.

Limited contract

The telephone exchange took place on the same day, and for the second time, Ukraine and Russia held direct talks in the Belarusian region of Komal. Representatives They did not agree to any ceasefire or other means to defuse the conflict, which had already ended on the eighth day.. However, Moscow and Kiev agreed Establishing humanitarian routes for civilians to leaveAs explained Mikhail PotoliacZhelensky’s Consultant. A firm and necessary ceasefire for the evacuation of civilians from war-affected areas has not yet been included in the agreement. Vladimir Medinsky, head of the Russian delegation, confirmed the information while assessing the public exit as “possible”. The Russia-Ukraine talks will continue in the third round, which will take place early next week. Bitter, Gelensky’s adviser admitted that “unfortunately what was expected was not achieved.”

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Whether or not they bow before the Russian president and dilute the reality of the war in a rhetorical battle, the film is a utterly organized human tragedy in which the public is trapped in a historic animosity that negotiates between two irresponsible crowds. Their demands are the blood of the public at will. Putin has the military benefit of as much human and infrastructure damage as he wants. This happened during the first round of talks on February 28, when cities like Moscow were attacked. Kiev And Kharkiv And The bombs fell on civilian areas. Zhelensky proposed conditions such as the suspension of the military offensive to improve the dialogue, but There is no strong argument in favor of negotiating. The humanitarian corridor is the minimum condition that is always negotiated when armed conflicts are designed to last over time.

Migration crisis

The United Nations and European organizations estimate that the war will trigger the largest migration crisis in European history (within its borders) since the end of World War II. There are already more than a million refugeesMillions of displaced people and hundreds of civilians died. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR estimates the number of refugees at 4 million. In times of emergency, The EU adopted a mechanism adopted two decades ago to expel refugees, allowing unlimited entry into its territory. That mandate, which was ratified in 2001, was not used even at the worst moment of the immigration crisis and the war in Syria (2015). Putin’s ruthless far-right and best public figure, Eric ZemoreRefugees arriving in France from Ukraine protested a few days ago.

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Western sanctions on Russia for a week have not diminished the military offensive. This is, from all sources, a mechanism with incredible consequences. Since 2014, the West has already used a major embargo on Russia without achieving its objective. Putin follows his path by putting his finger on the trigger. The telephone exchange between him and President Macron says a lot about the Russian leader’s immobility and ended with Putin’s intervention on television. There he promised to fight the “neo-Nazis” in Ukraine and that “according to plan, special military action must be carried out strictly on schedule.”


Words arm any counter-story. The Ukrainian president (elected in 2019) came from a Jewish family, his grandfather fought in the infantry of the Soviet army and his grandfather’s three brothers died in the hearths of Nazism during the Holocaust organized by Hitler and his ideological allies during World War II. second World (1939-1945). Zhelensky, the comedian who has been slandered on social media by the French and European far-right (true Nazis), is a “public servant”. The series described the plight of a history professor who was accidentally ousted as president. Zelensky even has a doctoral photo showing a swastika t-shirt (those interested can easily spot the original and then the visual fraud).

The telephone conversation between Macron and Putin perfectly adjusts the picture of the current situation and foretells the depth of impending barbarism. The two presidents maintain a dialogue fluid because it is strong in tone. Despite their conflicts, they did not stop talking and the two are based on first name. Sources close to President Elysee’s palace said Macron told Putin to “stop lying.” According to his relatives, Macron told him: “You tell stories and you look for an excuse for anything. What you are telling me is unrealistic and cannot justify ongoing military action, nor can it justify the fact that your country has long been isolated, weakened and ended up under sanctions. The Kremlin also reported on the conversation. Moscow acknowledges that Putin told Macron that “his struggle against nationalist groups in Ukraine must continue without compromise.” Putin also threatened to add “extra demands” to his list of demands. After the meeting with Putin, Macron spoke by phone with the President of Ukraine. Zhelensky reiterated that the Ukrainians “will not give up” because it is not possible to “negotiate with a gun in your head”. Zhelensky also warned the Europeans If Ukraine falls to Russia, so will the Baltic states (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia) and Eastern Europe.

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Wounded Pride

The coordination of the Russian invasion of Ukraine draws on a series of major powers and the arrogance, wounded pride, rudeness, humiliation and strategic mistakes made by Moscow. In 2009, today’s US President Joe Biden said in Germany that the time had come to “restore” relations (with Moscow) because we “need to work with Russia.” No one pressed the button. NATO and its staff wreaked havoc in Libya (Russia opposed). Then came the war in Syria, where Moscow drove out the West, then annexed Crimea, covering everything up, with an ignorant and frantic presidential election in the United States like Donald Trump. Who set the world on its path today. He made the conflict against the superpowers China and Russia the trigger of his mandate. As a tribute to Vladimir Putin’s armed arrogance, Ukraine is shedding blood for that organization.

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