July 27, 2024

Brighton Journal

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Shock in Brazil: Fresh ax attack at school and Sao Paulo beefs up security

Shock in Brazil: Fresh ax attack at school and Sao Paulo beefs up security

Government of Sao Paulo Security should be strengthened in government schools with 1000 private guards Brazil has faced a wave of violence in schools across the country, including a fresh ax attack by a 14-year-old student against two 9-year-old girls in the north of the country. One of the victims is in critical condition.

The move is included in the federal government’s decision to regulate social networks, forcing various sites to block content and profiles that “promote or advocate attacks or violence against schools.”

read more: Brazil: Police suspect video of man who killed four children in garden

The new initiative was announced by the governor of São Paulo Darcisio de FreitasAn ally of former President Jair Bolsonaro, it employed 550 psychologists to control students.

The private guards will be unarmed and will operate in schools located in “highly vulnerable areas” of the state. The governor ruled out installing metal detectors in educational centers in the region. Ronaldo FallonThe governorate of Goiás is another Brazilian state that has experienced violent attacks in school settings.

What the new ax attack at a school in Brazil looked like

The latest ax attack has shocked Brazil. A 14-year-old boy attacked two 9-year-old girls with an axe. The attacker was arrested and questioned. For the attempted murder, the victims had to be shifted to the hospital, one of whom has been hospitalized.

The incident took place in a school in the village on Wednesday afternoon Farias BritoA city located in the area KaririBelongs to the state CearáIn the north of the country.

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At a school in Ceará, northern Brazil, a student attacked two 9-year-old girls with an ax (Photo: G1)

The two victims – both fourth graders in elementary school – were supposed to be Transferred to hospital.

A girl keeps coming in it Intensive treatment And waiting for them to do one Surgery for severe skull injuryThe other was discharged.

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The school immediately takes appropriate disciplinary action against the offending student and provides Assistance to those concernedProvide psychological and medical follow-up to victims and relatives, report O’Globo.

On his part, Municipal Education Secretary, Almeida, a junior, suspended classes for the next two days And said the attack happened in the afternoon, but during school hours, the children were in the classroom.

Freitas’ hand, Governor Ceará, has traveled to China with President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Via Twitter, the official lamented the attack: “From my official mission to China, I followed this unfortunate episode of violence that took place today at a municipal school in Farias Brito, Kariri region. Our government will have what it takes to support the municipality and the families”.

“The Social Security Secretariat is working to deliver Psychological support to affected families, to whom I express my solidarity for what happened. School is a place of learning and peace!” He concluded.

Minister of Justice, Flavio DinoHe explained in a conversation with a news channel Globo News The National Consumer Secretariat will initiate procedures to determine the responsibility of social networks in spreading threats.

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“There are two paths we are going to follow simultaneously: on the one hand, administrative sanctions that lead to the suspension of the company’s operations. And, in case of non-compliance, We may reach a point where they stop working.”he added.

A brutal precedent set in Brazil a week ago

What’s surprising about this new ax attack in Brazil is that it comes eight days after the brutal attack on four girls aged between 4 and 7 who were attacked with an ax by a 25-year-old man at a kindergarten. The city of Blumenau is in the state of Santa Catarina, bordering the province of Missions.

Bernardo Cunha Machado5 years; Bernardo Pabest da Cunha4 years old; Larissa Mia Toldo, 7 years old; And Enzo Marchesin BarbosaAt the age of 4, after they died Luis Henrique de LimaA delivery man entered the garden and attacked the children with an axe.

The attack happened shortly after 10 a.m., when De Lima jumped from the wall of the establishment. He started hitting the boys on the head with an axe. He then jumped back over the wall and escaped on a motorcycle. He shortly returned to the Military Police Battalion.

read more: Shock in Brazil: Man who entered kindergarten with ax kills four girls

Ulysses Gabriel, General Representative of the Santa Catarina Civil Police, noted that the defendant was involved in a fight in a nightclub (2016). He stabbed his stepfather (2021), he was arrested for possession of cocaine (2022) and for destroying his stepfather’s house and Pet your dog (2022)

Gabriel pointed out that de Lima Four cases of three counts of murder will be registered against him. And four people attempted three murders Cantinho do Bom Pastor after the attack on the private kindergarten. “The police were having one of their worst days,” he said.

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