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Today’s Ephemeris: What Happened on April 13 | Events in Argentina and around the world

Today’s Ephemeris: What Happened on April 13 |  Events in Argentina and around the world

In Ephemeris of April 13 These events that happened on a day like today in Argentina and around the world stand out:

1963. Kasparov is born

in Baku Garry Kasparov is born. In 1985 he became the youngest world chess champion in history. During those years, he had a fight with Anatoly Garbo, which crossed the boundaries of sports science and became the biggest rivalry in the history of sports. His disagreements with the International Federation during his title defense in 1993 led to him breaking with the authorities and setting up a parallel championship.. The chess split was marked in the 1990s. He retired in 2005 and became involved in Russian politics as an opponent of Vladimir Putin.

1970. The crash of Apollo XIII

Two days after launch, an oxygen tank exploded mid-air on the Apollo XIII mission to the moon. This crash stops the moon landing. Three astronauts circle the moon and begin the return journey, in the lunar module, designed to hold two people inside, due to insufficient oxygen.. However, Jim Lovell, Jack Swigert, and Fred Heise traveled for four days inside, without drinking water and in freezing temperatures. On April 17, the module went down in the South Pacific, the crew safe and sound..

2014. Ernesto Laclau died

Argentine political scientist Ernest Laclau He died in Seville at the age of 78. His work stands out Hegemony and Socialist StrategyHe wrote with his wife Chantal Mouffe, and The populist cause. In his last years he was close to Kirchnerism.

2015. Eduardo Galliano dies

Eduardo Galliano died in MontevideoYour birth city. Uruguayan journalist and author, collaborator Page I12He is 74 years old. Publication of Open Veins of Latin AmericaIn 1971, catapulted him to fame. He had to go into exile in Spain, where he began his ambitious project of telling the history of his conquered Latin America from the conquest to the 20th century. Trilogy Fire memory. Works like Hug book, Football in the sun and shade, Glasses And Children of the day.

2015. Thug Cross Dies

Gunter Cross passed awayA leading post-war German writer. He is 87 years old. He became famous with Tin drumIn 1959He also published works such as those that were made into films in 1979 Turbo And Meeting at Delgde. In 1999, a few months apart, he received the Prince of Asturias Award for Literature and later the Nobel Prize for Literature.

2016. Goodbye to Mariano Morse

Mariano MorseOne of the most famous tango musicians, Dies in 98. His extensive career spanned more than six decades. He is the author of classics such as “Cuartito azul”, “Uno”, “El firulete”, “Luces de mi ciudad”, “Cafetín de Buenos Aires” and “Taquito militar”..

2018. Death of Milos Forman

Milos Forman died. The Czech filmmaker is 86 years old and immigrated to America after the Soviet invasion in 1968. He had already filmed. A Blonde’s Loves And For firefighters. He established himself in Hollywood Stuck without getting outHe won his first Oscar for it. Then they will come the hair And RagtimeBefore production Amadeus. The film, based on Mozart’s life, earned him his second Oscar in 1984. Then he filmed Valmont, Larry Flynt: The name of corruption And Andy’s WorldAmong other topics.

Except, that’s it International Kissing Day; And, in Argentina, the Kinesiologist Day.

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